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Starter for 5! What is Iblis known as?

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Presentation on theme: "Starter for 5! What is Iblis known as?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter for 5! What is Iblis known as?
In the stories of Adam & Eve and Iblis who is seen as responsible for the evil in the world? What is a scientific alternative to the Big Bang Theory for the origin of the universe? Which keyword for God means he will forgive those who do wrong but will punish them fairly. What is worship?

2 Starter for 5! What is Iblis known as? ‘The Whisperer’ because he whispers in people’s ears tempting them to disobey God. In the stories of Adam & Eve and Iblis who is seen as responsible for the evil in the world? Humans are responsible because they misuse their free will God gave them. What is a scientific alternative to the Big Bang Theory for the origin of the universe? The Steady State Theory Which keyword for God means he will forgive those who do wrong but will punish them fairly. All-merciful What is worship? An opening up of the heart and mind to God.

3 Is this a choice? If people in a country can vote for anybody in theory but there is only one name on the ballot paper that they can select, do they have a choice? Discuss as a class to get students thinking about the idea of freedom and genuine choice.

4 Is this a choice? If you are told that you have to eat vegetables today and you have the choice between spinach and cabbage, but you must eat one of them, do you have a choice?

5 The Free Will Defence Learning Objective: to explore the free will defence for the existence of evil. I can give a definition of the term free will. I can explain how free will can explain the existence of moral evil. I can explain how free will can explain the existence of natural evil.

6 In order to have free will, we must be able to make a genuine choice.
Free Will is where humans have the ability to make choices that affect themselves and other people. In order to have free will, we must be able to make a genuine choice. Make sure students have a definition written in their books.

7 I can give a definition of the term free will.
The Free Will Defence Learning Objective: to explore the free will defence for the existence of evil. I can give a definition of the term free will.

8 Why did God give us Free Will?
Why do you think Free Will is so important to God? God wants people to be free to love him of their own choice, not because they are programmed to. As soon as God starts interfering with the world, he stops us from being free. For people to be free, we have to live in a world that can go wrong. E.g. God cannot stop someone from going to war even if he may want to, if he did it on one occasion he would have to do it on every occasion. Explain why free will is so important to God.

9 Would you rather? You are going to be given a number of scenarios on the board. In your groups you need to decide whether you think God should interfere in each of these situations or not and keep free will. You are going to be given one minute to decide all 3 in groups.

10 Interfere or keep free will?
Two aeroplanes carrying more than 300 people are on a collision course. A famous doctor who is on the brink of producing a cure for all forms of cancer is stabbed by a mugger in a street and is dying. Four million children are facing slow starvation in Africa because they have no food. Get students to discuss in pairs/small groups then discuss as a class. Play the countdown timer during their group discussion. – countdown music

11 The Free Will Defence Learning Objective: to explore the free will defence for the existence of evil. I can give a definition of the term free will. I can explain how free will can explain the existence of moral evil.

12 Would you like to live in a predictable world?
On October 5th every year in China there is a hurricane. Every week you would know which people would win the lottery. On June 1st every year in England it will be 30 degrees and sunny. What would be the positives and negatives?

13 Free Will and Natural Evil
The Free Will defence also allows for natural evils... If we could guarantee that an action would have a specific result, then this would not be real freedom. For example, the reason why millions is spent on the national lottery is because people do not know they are going to lose. It is the unexpected in life that makes people aware of their freedom. If the world is predictable, e.g. A hurricane on the 5th October every year, it takes away all value from life. For the unexpected to happen, there has to be the chance of total disaster happening as well as total triumph. Freedom means being able to accept the consequences. We have to live in a world where things can and do go wrong in order to be truly free.

14 Complete this exam question on your Plenary Reflection Sheet
Time students on this – approx. 4:30 mins. Complete this exam question on your Plenary Reflection Sheet


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