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Ultimate Chest Workout & Best Biceps Sculpturing

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1 Ultimate Chest Workout & Best Biceps Sculpturing

2 Ultimate Chest Workout
1) Standard push ups Alternating one-handed push ups 3) Shoulder adduction

3 1) Standard Push Ups Begin in the "up" position. Hand position can vary but should be at least slightly wider than the shoulders Keep the elbows close to your body and lower yourself very slowly Keep your back straight and do not allow the knees to touch the floor

4 Lower to within 1-2 inches of the floor and pause momentarily
Lower to within 1-2 inches of the floor and pause momentarily. Keeping your back straight, slowly raise your body to the "up" position Inhale while lowering and exhale while raising yourself back to the starting position

5 2) Alternating One-Handed Push Ups
Feet are spread as wide apart as is necessary to maintain stability. The supporting hand should be close to the body as the push-up is performed The chest and knees should not touch the floor and the other arm will naturally be held up and away from the floor

6 3) Shoulder Adduction Feet should be placed comfortably on the floor, making it easy to push against the ground for stability. The upper arms should be in line with the shoulders Begin with the upper arms parallel to the floor and outstretched to the side midline to the body, or behind the midline for a better stretch

7 Bring the forearms together in a controlled movement
Bring the forearms together in a controlled movement. Do not slam the two pads into each other. The arms naturally tend to drop slightly as the forearms are brought together. Allow the forearm pads to return slowly to their starting position Breathing techniques can vary, but you should either inhale or exhale on each movement. Do not squeeze your hand grip because this detracts from the workout of the chest muscles by using extra energy

8 Additional Chest Workouts
Barbell bench press Incline bench press 3) Dumbbell bench press 4) Close-grip bench press

9 1) Barbell Bench Press Lie down on the bench and adjust so your eyes are under the bar Raise your chest up and tuck your shoulder blades down and squeeze them together 3) Grab the bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart

10 Slightly arch your lower back and plant your feet on the ground, directly under your knees, shoulder-width apart Un-rack the weight by straightening your arms and then moving it horizontally until it’s directly over your shoulders

11 2) Incline Bench Press Load the bar to an appropriate weight for your training Lay on the bench with your feet flat on the ground, driving through to your hips. Your back should be arched and your shoulder blades retracted Take a medium, pronated grip covering the ring on the bar. Remove the bar from the rack, holding the weight above your chest with your arms extended. This will be you starting position

12 4) Lower the bar to the sternum by flexing the elbows
4) Lower the bar to the sternum by flexing the elbows. Maintain control and do not bounce the bar off your chest. Your lats should stay tight and elbows slightly drawn in 5) After touching your torso with the bar, extend the elbows to return the bar to the starting position

13 3) Dumbbell Bench Press Lie down on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand resting on top of your thighs. The palms of your hands will be facing each other Then, using your thighs to help raise the dumbbells up, lift the dumbbells one at a time so that you can hold them in front of you at shoulder width

14 3) Once at shoulder width, rotate your wrists forward so that the palms of your hands are facing away from you. The dumbbells should be just to the sides of your chest, with your upper arm and forearm creating a 90 degree angle. Be sure to maintain full control of the dumbbells at all times. This will be your starting position. 4) Then, as you breathe out, use your chest to push the dumbbells up. Lock your arms at the top of the lift and squeeze your chest, hold for a second and then begin coming down slowly 5) Repeat the movement for the prescribed amount of repetitions of your training program

15 4) Close-Grip Bench Press
Lie back on a flat bench. Using a close grip (around shoulder width), lift the bar from the rack and hold it straight over you with your arms locked. This will be your starting position As you breathe in, come down slowly until you feel the bar on your middle chest

16 After a second pause, bring the bar back to the starting position as you breathe out and push the bar using your triceps muscles. Lock your arms in the contracted position, hold for a second and then start coming down slowly again Repeat the movement for the prescribed amount of repetitions When you are done, place the bar back in the rack

17 Best Biceps Sculpturing
Standing barbell curl Ez-bar preacher curl Alternate incline dumbbell curl Reverse wrist curl and wrist curl Seated barbell curl Dual dumbbell hammer curl

18 1) Standing Barbell Curl
With your knees slightly bent and your feet about hip-width apart, grasp a barbell with a shoulder-width, underhand grip Let the bar hang to your thighs. Keep your abs pulled in and your elbows stationary Without swaying, slowly curl the bar in an arc toward your shoulders as you exhale

19 4) Pause at the top of the movement, squeeze your biceps and slowly lower the bar almost to the start 5) Don’t lift the bar completely to your shoulders, and don’t let it touch your thighs at the bottom in order to keep continuous tension on the biceps

20 2) Ez-Bar Preacher Curl Position the seat height so your armpits are flush against the pad Place your feet forward to help stabilise your body, and grasp the EZ-bar with an underhand grip so your little fingers are higher than your thumbs Slowly raise the bar to shoulder level, pause and squeeze your biceps, then lower the bar to just short of elbow lockout

21 3) Alternate Incline Dumbbell Curl
Set an incline bench to about a 45-degree angle With a dumbbell in each hand and using a neutral grip, let your arms hang straight down below your shoulders Keeping your elbow still, slowly bring your right hand up, turning your hand as you lift so your palm faces your shoulder

22 4) Pause and squeeze the biceps at the top, then lower the weight slowly to the start
5) Repeat with your left hand to complete one rep

23 4) Reverse Wrist Curl And Wrist Curl
Grasp a straight bar with an overhand grip, hands about 10 inches apart 2) Kneel on the floor along one side of a flat bench. With your forearms on the bench, let your hands and wrists hang over the edge.

24 Curl your hands up as high as possible, then lower the weight to the start position. To maximise your range of motion, keep your thumbs on the underside of the bar 4) Repeat for reps, then use an underhand grip with your hands about 4 inches apart (thumbs under the bar) and perform the same movement

25 5) Seated Barbell Curl Load a barbell with 10–20 pounds more than you can do for 6–8 reps of regular barbell curls Sit on a short-back bench or an adjustable bench set to 90 degrees and rest the bar on your thighs With an underhand, shoulder-width grip, curl the weight toward your shoulders, keeping your torso perpendicular to the floor Slowly lower the weight and repeat

26 6) Dual Dumbbell Hammer Curl
Stand erect, holding a pair of dumbbells by your sides with your palms facing each other Curl both dumbbells toward your shoulders without turning your wrists or letting your elbows move forward Extend your elbows to slowly return to the start

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