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Lesson 11 Lesson 11 AC Circuits AC Ciruits Power

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 11 Lesson 11 AC Circuits AC Ciruits Power"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 11 Lesson 11 AC Circuits AC Ciruits Power
Maximum and Instantaneous voltage drops and current Phasor Diagrams Phase angle RLC Circuits Resonance frequency High and Low pass filters Step up and Step down Transformers 1

2 AC Generator AC Generator 2

3 AC emf source 3

4 ò ò rms current ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Effective ( Integrated
values of I and V rms current ( ) i t = ( ) I sin w t max 2 p w = 2 p f = ; T is the period of oscillation T Instantaneous power = ( ) ( ) i t v t = ( ) 2 = 2 2 ( ) Heat dissipated / Power used in load i t R I R sin w t m Average power over one cycle ò T ò T 1 1 I 2 R P = I 2 ( R sin 2 w ) t dt = I 2 R sin 2 ( w ) t dt = m ave T m m T 2 Define I P = I 2 R Þ I = m ave eff eff 2 4

5 ac-R circuit Veff and v(t) Ieff and i(t) t) 5

6 Phasor diagram for R Phasor Diagram iR(t) IRmsin(t)= iR(t) t
Load Resistance 6

7 Phasor diagram for R cont.
vR(t) VRmsin(t)= vR(t) t Load Resistance 7

8 Instantaneous current and voltage

9 ac-C circuit vC(t) iC(t) t) iC(t) vC(t) t 9

10 Instantaneous current and voltage

11 ac-L circuit vL(t) iL(t) t) vL(t) t iL(t) 11

12 Instantaneous current and voltage

13 Phase angle between current
Summary Phase angle between current and voltage resistor is 0 rad capacitor is - rad ( Current Ahead) inductor is + rad (Current Behind) 13

14 Inductive and Capacitive Reactance

15 Instantaneous current and voltage in R,L, C circuits

16 series ac-RLC circuit Series RLC circuit 16

17 Instantaneous current
Current through all elements is the same Thus the instantaneous PD’s must be out of phase 17

18 Total Potential Drop across R, L & C.
Picture Total Potential Drop across R, L & C. 18

19 Instantaneous current and voltage in RLC circuit

20 Phasor Diagram for RLC circuit I
vL(t) vR(t) vC(t) 20

21 Instantaneous PD 21

22 Phasor Diagram for RLC circuit II
vL(t) vR(t) vC(t) vRLC(t) 22

23 Instantaneous PD as projection onto y-axis
v(t2) vRLC(t) v(t1) 23

24 Phase Angle  vRLC(t)  Phase Angle ( ) V - V tan f = V - - I X I
Lm Cm V Rm - - I X I X X X = m L m C = L C I R R Phase Angle m æ ö X - X f = tan - 1 ç L C ÷ è ø R 24

25 series ac-RLC graph 25

26 Impedance 26

27 Table of definitions 46

28 Impedance and reactance

29 Generalized Ohm's Law. 29

30 Power Factor

31 Angular frequency dependence
Power and current depend on angular frequency of circuit Angular frequency dependence

32 Max I ; Min Z ( ) e ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) V w = = I w w Z Z w = + - Z R
2 + - 2 Z R X X L C æ ö æ ö 2 w 2 - 2 1 LC 1 = R 2 + ç w L - ÷ = R 2 + ç ÷ è w ø è w C C ø ( ) Z w is a minimum when w 2 LC - 1 = which occurs when 1 w = w = LC Û = X X L C

33 ( ) ( ) Power as a function of  ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 1 V R w = w = P I R w 2
m ave m ( ) w 2 2 2 Z 2 2 1 V R 1 V R = m = m æ ö 2 2 2 1 2 L ( ) 2 2 + ç w - ÷ 2 + w 2 - w 2 R L R è w ø w 2 C 2 w 2 1 V R = m ( ) 2 2 2 w 2 + 2 w 2 - w 2 R L

34 Resonance Circuit uses most power / current when it is in RESONANCE with applied frequency

35 Imax and Pave versus  Im Pave 33

36 Quality of circuit Width of Power curve is a measure of the QUALITY of the circuit Small width - High Quality Sharpness of response to external frequency

37 RC Filters RC Filters I Vout Vin

38 Low Pass Filter

39 RC Filters RC Filters II Vout Vin

40 High Pass Filter

41 Step up and Step down Transformers
Transformers I 44

42 Transformers II F d = - V N dt F d = - V N dt Fluxes are the same N =
B 1 1 dt F d = - V N B 2 2 dt Fluxes are the same N = V 2 V 2 1 N 1

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