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Advanced Web Page Styling
Martin Kruliš by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
CSS Revision You should already know…
CSS syntax, selectors, basic properties Boxing model (margins, paddings, …) Display modes (inline, block, …) Positioning (static, absolute, relative, …) Media Graphical filters and transformation Transitions by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
Revision - Transitions
CSS Property Transitions Modifications of CSS properties are animated When pseudo-class changes (e.g., :hover or :target) Client-side script changes classes, style attribute, … Properties transition-property Which CSS properties are animated transition-duration How long should each animation last transition-timing-function Interpolation function used for the animation (linear, ease, ease-in, ease-out, …) transition-delay Delay before the change is started transition Sets all previous properties at once by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
Animations Transitions Animations
Limited way to describe property interpolations Always interpolating linearly between two states Time function may be non-linear Animations A more complex mechanism of interpolation Define a set of states between which the values are interpolated Additional features Timing, pausing, repetition, alternation, … by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
Animation is then applied using CSS properties
Animations Animation Syntax @keyframes colorize { 0% { color: black; } 30% { color: red; } 100% { color: blue; } } #something { animation-name: colorize; animation-duration: 5s; animation-iteration-count: 3; Named set of keyframes Each keyframe holds a state of the element at a particular phase of the animation Animation is then applied using CSS properties Example 1 by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
Animations Animation Properties animation-timing-function
Similarly to transitions – time interpolation function animation-direction normal, reverse, alternate animation-iteration-count Number of iterations or infinite animation-play-state paused or running – useful for stopping/resuming animation-fill-mode How are the CSS animation styles applied to target by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
CSS Preprocessing Major CSS Issues CSS Preprocessing
Selectors are quite powerful but possibly tedious No variables or global constants Not particularly DRY-friendly CSS Preprocessing Styles are written in preprocessing language and generated into CSS files Several languages/tools available (LESS, SASS) by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
SASS Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets
A style sheet language that extends CSS It is interpreted into CSS files The most important features are Variables – allow single definition of a value Nesting – more logical organization of the styles Mixins – CSS templates that can be reused Selector inheritance – simplifies selector construction Scripting (loops, conditions, expressions, …) SASS is recommended over LESS by multiple individual sources on the Internet, so we have selected this preprocessor as a representative. Some of the following examples are inspired by SASS basic guide: Example 2 by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
SASS SASS Syntax Two syntaxes Original SASS is based on Haml language
Newer SCSS syntax is more similar to CSS Actually CSS file is also valid SCSS file SASS (original syntax) $size: 300px =mybox($width) width: $width #div1 +mybox($size) SCSS syntax $size: 300px; @mixin mybox($width) { width: $width; } #div1 { @include mybox($size); We use SCSS syntax in our examples since it is more convenient for people who never saw SASS before. by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
SASS Variables and Expressions
Allow definition of values which can be used in the whole stylesheet $width: 900px; $space: 20px; main { width: $width – 2 * $space; padding: $space; } { width: $width / 2 - $space; Instead of Matryoshka hack Creating boxes organized in 2 columns (half size of the main) by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
SASS Nesting More logical division of styles nav { ul { margin: 0;
li { display: inline-block; } a { color: green; nav ul { margin... } nav ul li { display... nav a { color... by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
Selector is updated to .message, .error
SASS Selector Inheritance Shifts the inheritance from base selectors to derived styles .message { padding: 10px; border: 3px solid yellow; } .error { @extend .message; border-color: red; Selector is updated to .message, .error by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
SASS Partials and Includes Partial files are meant for including only
Naming convention – partial files start with underscore E.g., _partial.scss Import is preprocessed leads to another HTTP request works like include in C/C++ Typically used with partial '_part.scss' Import is also used for including mixins by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
SASS Mixins Parametrized fragments of code which can be reused (vaguely resembles functions) @mixin shadow($dist, $blur, $color) { -moz-box-shadow: $dist $dist $blur $color; -webkit-box-shadow: $dist $dist $blur $color; -ms-box-shadow: $dist $dist $blur $color; box-shadow: $dist $dist $blur $color; } #mydiv { @include shadow(5px, 3px, #999); Example 3 by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
Responsive Web Responsive Web Design
The web adjusts layout (and other properties) to the properties (size) of display device So it can effectively present its contents on small handheld devices as well as on 4K monitors Possible approaches Important measurements are expressed relatively in %, vh, and vw units Multiple layouts (style sheets) are prepared for different devices (and selected by media conditions) Smart utilization of inline blocks and float elements Example 4 by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
Responsive Frameworks
Predefined styles (and possibly scripts) which automatically handle various screen sizes Developed intensively in last few years Many frameworks currently available Twitter Bootstrap W3.CSS Skeleton Foundation HTML5 Boilerplate HTML KickStart … by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
Bootstrap Twitter Bootstrap Originally named Twitter Blueprint
Twitter released it as open source in 2011 Perhaps the most popular front-end and UI Basic features CSS responsive layout based on 12-column grid Classes for phones, tablets, desktops, and large screens Many CSS prepared UI controls and templates Buttons, panels, forms, … jQuery-based controls Animations, Carousel, Modal windows, … Example 5 by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
CSS Tricks CSS Tricks and Treats
CSS is quite powerful, especially state selectors A lot of behavior can be simulated without scripting Pseudoclass :hover Elaborate animations with opacity or display Pseudoclass :target Can be used to keep a state, which can be switched by standard links (with proper fragment URLs) Examples 6-9 by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
Discussion by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
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