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Client Side Dev.

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Presentation on theme: "Client Side Dev."— Presentation transcript:

1 Client Side Dev

2 Toolkit HTML5 JavaScript CSS (and Less, but not today) Bootstrap
Knockout.js Require.js Toastr Visual Studio and Browser F12 tools In case you are wondering… Why not Angular?

3 Bootstrap Supports Less/Sass Responsive UI
Uses jQuery Grid System (12 column) Popular (good and bad)

4 Demo Bootstrap1.html Bootstrap2.html

5 Client-Side vs Server-Side Binding
“Traditional” MVC and Web Forms use server-side binding. Controls (Web Forms) Razor, HtmlHelpers in MVC “Modern” web apps are often more responsive using asynchronous calls to the server Combining the two brings challenges. Demo Razor view – use F12 Network tab to show that data is set on server Demo Knockout – use F12 again

6 Knockout.js Great online tutorial and demos
Makes it really easy to two-way bind data to the UI. Much less javascript code! There are other options. Angular is very popular now. Knockout works fine for me  Binding frameworks don’t play well with Razor Demos

7 Revealing Module Pattern
Javascript does not have classes. RMP is used to make this feel more like a class. Closure function within a function Inner function has access to the variables in the outer function Demo (closure.html) Declare all variables and functions in the private scope Return an anonymous object with pointers t private functionality (Reveal) Demo (reveal.html) Check out Learning JavaScript Design Patterns (ebook) by Addy Osmani

8 SOLID on the client Use modules for code “xxxDataService”, “xxxCalculator” RequireJs or other for DI/Dependency Management (gets files from server too)

9 AMD vs CommonJs requireJs vs browserify

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