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Welcome! The September COP call will begin in a few moments.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! The September COP call will begin in a few moments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! The September COP call will begin in a few moments.
Event password: 5COPcall Event number: To hear the presentation you must join the conference call. To join: Dial Enter Access Code Note: Phones are currently on mute This presentation will be recorded and available for download at To communicate with the presenters during the presentation, please use the “Chat Box” feature. 1

2 CIMS Community of Practice (COP) Call ISD Monitors September 17, 2013 10:30–11:30 a.m.

3 Agenda August 2013 Workbook Data activity reminders
Focused monitoring activities Upcoming events & dates Questions? 3

4 August Workbook CIMS 4

5 August 2013 Workbook Currently, 843 locals have acknowledged their reports! All reports should have been acknowledged no later than September 15 5

6 1. Under the Reports tab, select Report Type

7 2. Select Status 7

8 3. Click Search 8

9 4. View Results 9

10 4. View Results (cont.) 10

11 Data Activity Reminders

12 MSDS Validation Update
Due in CIMS on October 15 Review the MAASE PowerPoint (available under the Events tab on the CIMS Web site) for instructions Slides 21 through 43 of MAASE PowerPoint 12

13 Reminder: MSDS Checklist Guidance
Question MDE Guidance Does the information in CIMS match the student’s IEP? Visit the local to review the student’s IEP (that was in effect on March 20, 2013) to determine if the demographic information listed in CIMS matches the student’s IEP. If the information in CIMS (which came from MSDS) matches, select yes. If it does not match, select no. MSDS Validation of this student cannot be completed for the following reasons: If a student is no longer enrolled in the local, check the appropriate reason, save the record, and move onto the next student record. 13

14 IEP Implementation (B-3) Checklist
Context – Why is this activity necessary? The ESEA Standards and Assessments Peer Review requires that states show evidence of monitoring accommodations to comply with the provisions of the ESEA The USED has not provided guidance as to what this monitoring should look like Resource: Christensen, Thurlow, Wang: Improving Accommodations Outcomes: Monitoring Instructional and Assessment Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Sponsored through: Council of Chief State School Officers and National Center on Educational Outcomes 14

15 IEP Implementation Checklist (cont.)
Locals selected according to the following scale: 1 local – ≤ 25 locals in ISD 2 locals – 26 to 50 locals in ISD 3 locals – 51 to 75 locals in ISD 4 locals - ≥ to 76 locals in ISD Visit the local and review each student’s IEP to determine the assessment the student should have taken and the accommodations the student should have received. Review district records and conduct interviews to obtain evidence that the student took the correct assessment and received the correct accommodations. 15

16 IEP Implementation Checklist (cont.)
Number of Records for Verification of Correction If a local received a finding in April 2013, it will participate again (for verification of correction) to include: The noncompliant student records (for students still at the local) from fall 2012 Ten new students for Prong 2 verification of correction 9 locals in 9 ISDs Note: If a student has transferred, mark that box on the checklist and move to the next record 16

17 IEP Implementation Checklist (cont.)
Verification of Correction – UNC If a local received a finding in April 2012, and a UNC (uncorrected noncompliance) in April 2013, it will participate again 1 locals in 1 ISDs 17

18 IEP Implementation Checklist (cont.)
How Many? – Summary 1 local in 39 ISDs 2 locals in 15 ISDs 3 locals in 1 ISD 4 locals in 1 ISD Total = 76 locals participating 18

19 Where can you find the activity?

20 1. Access the Student List

21 1. Access the Student List (cont.)

22 2. Complete Checklist 22

23 2. Complete Checklist (cont.)

24 2. Complete Checklist (cont.)

25 Appropriate Evidence Review each student IEP for assessment information Review local’s paper and electronic records (student information system) Interview appropriate administrators (general and special education), MEAP coordinator, teacher(s) Guidance located at under the Data tab 25

26 Complete Another Checklist

27 3. Submit B IEP Validation

28 IEP Implementation Checklist Deadline
December 1 28

29 IEP Implementation Checklist Guidance
Process expectations: Activity must be completed by the ISD monitor ISD monitors must conduct on-site visit to the local 29

30 Focused Monitoring 30

31 Fall 2013 FM Activities Activities 42 On-site reviews at 38 locals
7 Desk audits 0 State-verified self-reviews Priority Areas B-9 (Disproportionate Representation – Child with a Disability) B-10 (Disproportionate Representation – Eligibility Categories) Significant Disproportionality – Discipline Significant Disproportionality - Identification General Supervision Monitoring (GSM) 31

32 Fall 2013 FM Site Map 32

33 FM Timeline September 11 - FM training was held
September 16 – October 25 – On-site visits scheduled October 25 – Desk Audits due in CIMS October 30 - Regional verification of Desk Audits November 25 – SLCAPs due in CIMS 33

34 New SLCAP Form 34

35 SLCAP Form 35

36 SLCAP Form Responsibilities Clarified
Local 36

37 SLCAP Form Responsibilities Clarified
Local ISD Monitor 37

38 SLCAP Form Comments 38

39 SLCAP Form: Local’s Responsibility
The local … Selects “Yes” or “No” under “Item corrected?” Enters date of correction (if corrected) Change the status to “Submitted” 39

40 SLCAP Form: ISD Monitor and OSE Responsibilities
ISD monitor verifies correction by reviewing the evidence of correction. If corrected: Select “Yes” under “Item verified?” Enter the date verified Change the status to “Completed” If not corrected: Select “No” under “Item verified?” Change status to Modifications Required so local can continue correction Contact OSE for further guidance 40

41 SLCAP Form: ISD Monitor and OSE Responsibilities (cont.)
CIMS staff review each SLCAP Summary after November 25, 2013 Any uncorrected SLCAP (Prong 1) requires follow-up by the TA provider and ISD monitor to ensure immediate correction for that student Uncorrected SLCAPs may result in one or more of the following: Impact upcoming determination Result in the OSE filing a state complaint against the district Result in financial sanctions 41

42 Misc. Updates and Reminders

43 CAP Verification Reminders
Locals must submit their December CAPs (B-11, B-12, and B-Timely) for verification. This should have occurred no later than September 15 (aka “request CAP closeout”) ISD monitors must complete verification in CIMS no later than November 1 NOTE: The due date listed in the Task list is the final date for the entire CAP, not for the next step required. 43

44 B-11, B-12, and Timely IEPs Verification Appendix Four sections
CAP activities New data submission Student record review Verification notes Note: This process is different than B-13 - and no student names are provided in CIMS 44

45 B-11, B-12, and Timely IEPs – CAP Activity Verification
Key question: Were all CAP activities completed? Remember, locals are required to list all CAP activities (and what evidence will be available to confirm it was completed) in their CAP Refer back to the CAP Activity Pages and comment on each activity 45

46 B-11, B-12, and Timely IEP – New Data Submission
Key question: Were data verified through a new data submission? For some CAPs, the state is able to verify compliance by reviewing data submitted through ongoing data collection activities Review the report and select a response: Answer Next Step Yes, data submission was compliant Save and change the status to “Closeout request submitted to MDE” No or N/A, data submission was noncompliant or not available Review student records and complete the next section of the form 46

47 B-11, B-12, and Timely IEP – New Data Submission (cont.)

48 B-11, B-12, and Timely IEP – Student Record Reviews
Key question: Are the data now at 100% compliance? For some CAPs, student records must be reviewed to verify compliance because new data were either not available or not compliant These reviews will be documented through the Student Record Review fields The following fields are required: Verification date Student name UIC Record compliant? 48

49 B-11, B-12, and Timely IEP – Student Record Reviews (cont.)

50 B-11, B-12, and Timely IEP – Student Record Reviews (cont.)
Please pull 8 student records (if available) Enter student data If all records are compliant  Change status to submit to MDE If any records are noncompliant: The local can retrain/provide targeted training Following the training, the ISD monitor must return to the local to verify correction by pulling additional records that have been completed subsequent to completion of the additional training If noncompliance persists, the CAP can not be closed 50

51 December 15, 2013 Workbook Closeout Reports Compliance Findings:
B-11 (Child Find) B-12 (Early Childhood Transition) Fall FM (B-9, B-10, Significant Disproportionality – Identification and Discipline, GSM) No new Results Transmittals More detail in later COP calls 51

52 Upcoming Events Part C Workbook Overview webinar
September 26, 10:00 a.m. Access via the EOT&TA Web site: October COP Call October 15, 10:30 a.m. Access via the Events tab on the CIMS Web site Want to get all of the COP calls on your calendar? See the full schedule on the CIMS Web site under the Events tab! 52

53 Upcoming Dates December 2012 Workbook
Request CAP closeout: September 15 ISD monitor verification: November 1 April 2013 Workbook Progress Reports due: October 1 August 2013 Workbook Acknowledge reports: September 15 CAPs due: October 1 MSDS validation due: October 15 B-3/IEP Implementation due: December 1 53

54 Questions? 54

55 Contact Information MDE Jessica Brady, Supervisor, Susan Liebetreu, Coordinator, Pam Kittel, Consultant, Jeanne Anderson Tippett, Consultant, Kathleen Hoehne, Consultant, Sharon Fink, Departmental Analyst, CIMS Help Desk (877) 55

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