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General Meeting 4/1/2015 Free Cookies + Soda in back

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Presentation on theme: "General Meeting 4/1/2015 Free Cookies + Soda in back"— Presentation transcript:

1 General Meeting 4/1/2015 Free Cookies + Soda in back

2 Aero SAE Full Technical Presentation

3 Technical Presentation Team 223

4 Outline Management Propulsion Aerodynamics Flight Performance
Stability and Control Structures Electronics

5 Project Management Chief Engineer Propulsion Lead Aerodynamics Lead
Structures Lead D&M Lead Electronics Lead Propulsion Group Aerodynamics Lead Structures Group D&M Group Electronics Group

6 Propulsion Engine: Novarossi Rex R46F
Carbon Fiber 11X6 in Bolly Propeller Static Thrust: 9.5 lbs 18000 RPM

7 Aerodynamics Planform/Airfoil Design Naca 4-digit airfoil series
Rectangular center section, tapered outboard section, negative incidence on outboard section.

8 Aerodynamics Gradient based Optimization routine implemented
Constraints: Surface area, upper and lower bounds on other parameters Objective function

9 Aerodynamics Final design values SA: 11 square feet
Wing span: feet Root chord length: 1.35 feet Outboard taper ratio: .52 Aspect Ratio: 8.25

10 Aerodynamics Control Surfaces
Ailerons – 17% Wing Chord, 60.68% Wing Span Elevator – 40% Horizontal Stabilizer Area Rudder – 40% Vertical Stabilizer Area

11 Flight Performance Takeoff Distance: 180 feet Stall Velocity: 33.2 ft/s Stall Velocity: 33.2 ft/s Maximum velocity: 66.7 ft/s

12 Stability and control Vertical Stabilizer Horizontal Stabilizer
Area = 0.78 ft2 Average Chord = 8.00 in. Height = in. Horizontal Stabilizer Airfoil – Inverted NACA 4412 Area = 1.53 ft2 Chord = 8.00 in. Span = in.

13 Stability and Control vtrim = 46.5 ft/s Tail Length = 60 in.
it,trim = -3.0° Static Margin = 18%

14 Structures Spar Design Physical Testing Square carbon tube
Constant Thickness Physical Testing

15 Structures Wing Connection Carbon fiber splice epoxied into one wing
Wings bolt together

16 Structures Fuselage Structure determine through physical testing and weight considerations

17 Structures Wing structure Rib Spacing Jigs used for manufacturing

18 Structures Control Surfaces/Stabilizers
Balsa structure to minimize weight

19 Structures Engine Mount Forward Fuselage Landing gear

20 Structures Static/Humanitarian Payload Bays

21 Electronics Data Acquisition System (DAS) First Person View System
APM 2.6 board uBlox GPS unit Mission Planner Dropping Algorithm First Person View System 600TVL Super HAD Board Camera Patch antenna

22 Electronics Batteries Servo Selection
Control Surfaces – 7.4V 1000 mAh battery pack(LiPo) DAS & FPV – 11.1V 180 mAh Lithium Polymer battery pack(LiPo) Servo Selection Control Surface Maximum Control Surface Deflection Required Torque (oz-in) Selected Servo Available Torque at 6.0 V (oz-in) Ailerons 30° 46.6 HiTec HS-5245MG 76 Elevator 25° 68.2 Rudder 20° 15.3 HiTec HS-5055MG 21

23 Prototype Testing Structural testing Flight Tests

24 Summary Lightweight design Functionality proven in physical testing
Prototype aircraft to ensure design requirements

25 Questions


27 APRIL FOOLS We gonna be here forever.

28 Officer Positions for 2016 Five permanent Group-wide positions, two optional positions Permanent: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Shop Liason Optional: Chief Engineer(s), Chief Researcher Any Officer may delegate their duties to another member, except for those involving safety or compliance with University regulations. In the event that an Officer is unable to adequately fulfill or delegate their duties, their appointment may be brought to the Group for a vote of confidence. Failing to receive a two-thirds vote of confidence will result in the Officer being removed from their position and a Special Election shall be held to replace them. An Officer removed in such a way may not return to any Officer position until a full semester has passed. Officers must have been active members of AAVG for two consecutive semesters prior to appointment

29 President The President shall be responsible for the following duties:
The President shall maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA or higher during their appointment. In situations not covered in this Constitution or By-Laws, the President shall have the authority to act in the best interests of the Group. The President shall be responsible for the following duties: Oversight and enrichment of all other Officers Ensuring the compliance of the Group with University regulations Representation of the Group in all non-competition, off-campus activities Representation of the Group to University Administration and Student Government, except for duties assigned to other officers Creation and oversight of Temporary Committees Organization and leadership of the General Meeting

30 Vice-President Vice President: The Vice-President shall maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA or higher during their appointment. In situations where the President becomes unable to fulfill their duties, the Vice-President shall assume the duties until the President becomes able to fulfill their duties or is replaced. The Vice-President shall be responsible for the following duties: Recruitment and Enrollment of New Members Maintenance of Group roster Representation of the Group in all non-competition, on-campus activities Organization of Group travel

31 Treasurer The Treasurer shall maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA or higher during their appointment. In situations where the Vice-President becomes unable to fulfill their duties, the Treasurer shall assume the duties until the Vice-President becomes able to fulfill their duties or is replaced. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the following duties: Creation and maintenance of the Group budget Approval and regulation of purchases and possession of Group credit card Collection, reporting, and archival of receipts Creation and Presentation of all funding applications

32 Secretary The Secretary shall maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA or higher during their appointment. In situations where the Treasurer becomes unable to fulfill their duties, the Secretary shall assume the duties until the Treasurer becomes able to fulfill their duties or is replaced. If the Secretary becomes unable to fulfill their duties, the President shall assume the duties until the Secretary becomes able to fulfill their duties or is replaced. The Secretary shall be responsible for the following duties: Creation, review, and disbursement of all non-competition publications, including the semesterly newsletter Creation, Coordination, and Maintenance of the Group web presence, including websites and social media Review of design competition documentation, including presentations, prior to submission Oversight of all public relations activities not assigned to other officers minutes

33 Shop Liaison The Shop Liaison shall maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA or higher during their appointment. In the event that no Shop Liaison is appointed or the Shop Liaison becomes unable to fulfill their duties, the duties of the Shop Liaison shall fall to the Vice-President until such a time as a Shop Liaison is appointed, becomes able to fulfill their duties, or is replaced. The Shop Liaison shall be responsible for the following duties: Maintenance of member training documentation Filling of shop trainer position as required by SDELC, either personally or through appointment Ensuring the adequate training of all members Ensuring the cleanliness and organization of the shop area

34 Chief Engineer A Chief Engineer shall maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA or higher during their appointment. In the event that the Chief Engineer becomes unable to fulfill their duties, the team shall designate a temporary replacement elected from within the team. If the Chief Engineer is unable to return to their duties or will be unable to fulfill their duties for 4 weeks, a Special Election shall be held to appoint a suitable replacement. A Chief Engineer shall be responsible for the following duties: Enrichment of team members Creation of a team roster and organizational system within two weeks after the beginning of the Fall Semester Creation and adherence of a team budget within four weeks after the beginning of the semester immediately following the last competition. In the case where no competition was attended, this shall occur within four weeks after the beginning of the Fall Semester. Enrollment of the team in a collegiate design competition Oversight of competition-specific activities, including any design, construction, and documentation Ensuring the safe practices of team members engaged in competition activities

35 Chief Researcher The Chief Researcher shall maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA or higher during their appointment. In the event that the Chief Researcher becomes unable to fulfill their duties, the Officers shall designate a temporary replacement from within the Group. If the Chief Researcher is unable to return to their duties or will be unable to fulfill their duties for 4 weeks, a Special Election shall be held to appoint a suitable replacement. At the Group’s discretion, a Chief Researcher may not be appointed for any single semester. The Chief Researcher shall be responsible for the following duties: Supervision of all research activities conducted by the Group Exploration and recommendation of new research opportunities Coordination with the Department or University research staff to share resources and personnel Furtherance of Group research through University equipment and facilities Support of Chief Engineers with research and testing Documentation of all research and studies conducted by the Group

36 Questions about 2016 Officer Positions

37 Officer Positions for 2016 Nominations are still open until 11:59 PM April 8th (1 week) Presentations and Elections will be held April 15th (2 weeks, because math). This is to give the new officers a chance to transition properly. If you want the position, you may nominate yourself. This is not a commitment.

38 Nominations P: Andrew Taylor, Paul Black, Jill Davis VP:Paul Black
T: Paul Black S: Paul Black, Jonathan Jarvis SL: Kyle Bruer SAE CE: Will Hopkins HPER CE: Alex Mundahl CR: Matt Fogle

39 HPER Team

40 Texas Trip/ Kansas Trip
So the leads and I will be going to Texas. Anyone is welcome but you will need to pay for the following Food Travel Lodging Other people are going to Kansas as a group.

41 Irec Lots of work is done. Lots of work to go
Aaron will talk about the specifics

42 Electronics This week Programming! Putting things in the rocket

43 Other Leads?

44 J.A.R.V.I.S. (Just Acquire Riches Very Insanely Swiftly)
If you have not filled out an list, see me after If you have not filled out a bio…ditto Meeting at 7 on Thursday to come up with advertising ideas etc. Feel free to stop by

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