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intelliSYS Solutions & Services

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1 intelliSYS Solutions & Services
Comprehensive Integrated Standards compliant AML 360 intelliSYS Solutions & Services AML 360 is an end to end solution that integrates all the modules needed for any FIU irrespective of size and business process complexity. It adapts to your business running style and ensures while doing so that you remain compliant with the world standards such as the FATFT 40 recommendations and the FISSM IT maturity model of EGGMONT.

2 Products & Services More than 300 years combined of software expertise in AML & CFT World Class services and software very competitive costs We provide: AML360 end to end solutions for financial intelligence units AMLPRO for reporting entities that must comply with AML & CFT legislation Consulting services that guarantees the successful delivery of your business Implementation services such as data migration, systems integration, localization, etc…

3 SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS Designed as a modular system to fit the needs of any FIU irrespective of size From a single computer with a few thousand processes up to 500 million processes over a 5 year period irrespective of file size Processes and analyzes reports on: - Suspicious transactions - Financial transactions or events – of any type - Threshold, mandated, list or alert-based reports – CFT, IFT, EFT, etc Fully electronic data collection and dissemination from any source such as: tax, law enforcement records, immigration service (passenger movement records), property registrar, vehicle registrar, etc….

AML360 is modular which allows for scalability and enhanced security. However, it maintains a common look and feel across the entire system to offer the users an easy path to mastering the system comprehensive features and capabilities. Once you have AML360, you don’t need to acquire any additional software to run the business of your FIU. Furthermore, you will not need to pay for any third party licensing other than that of your infrastructure such as your operating systems and databases.

5 SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS The data collection component provides secure electronic delivery of reports (UTRs, STRs, CTRs and EFTRs from reporting entities using (SSL 512 bit encryption). Reports are either submitted offline ( attachment, CD, HD, etc.), online (through direct upload of XML data messages) or through filling in and submitting online forms on the FIU’s secure website. If reports are submitted to the FIU on paper, these can be manually entered by the FIU. AML 360 can receive any type of report such as (UTR – unusual transaction reports), (STR – Suspicious Transaction Reports), (CTR – Cash Threshold Transaction Reports), (EFTR – Electronic Funds Transfer Reports) or any other report that you may have needs for now or in the future. It supports both transactional type reports and situation type reports. Reports can be submitted to the FIU on paper to be entered manually On offline media in XML format Through web services in XML format Uploaded on the web application in XML format Or entered manually by filling the web forms on the web application

6 SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS Basic report information – who submitted it, reference #, etc. The reports have two main parts: The cover which includes who submitted the report, the date of submission, reference numbers, basis of suspicion and actions takes The report body contains either the transactions to the report (transactional report type such as STR) OR The parties to the reports (persons and legal entities (Situation report type such as SAR suspicious activity report)

Data evaluation and clean up automatically checks incoming electronic data for completeness and accuracy. Checks for valid XML All required fields are present Data types are correct Ensures reporting entities report in correct format from day one AML360 helps you receive quality data from day one Data is check for validity and completeness according to your specifications, any deviations are rejected and sent back to the reporting entity for corrections and resubmission. Data is checked against business rules that you can define and it you can configure per rule the action to be taken such as alerting you, or rejecting the transaction containing the error or even rejecting the entire report. A confirmation letter in PDF format is sent to the reporting entities to confirm the status of the reports that they have submitted. The format and look and feel of the letter is configurable by your AML360 administrator.

8 Finalize Data Cleaning and Integration
SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS Check Syntax Check Semantics against business rules Validate Data Search for identical match When not found search for similar and link incoming data to existing similar data Find Similar Objects Objects are stored in the intelligence database Links between objects are automatically created regardless of the data source Finalize Data Cleaning and Integration AML360 stores the report data as received for compliance purposes. However, it doesn’t stop there. It creates a unique intelligence based copies of the data reported and creates intelligence links between the subjects data, the transactions, the phones, the addresses, etc… automatically for the intelligence analsyst regardless of the data source.

9 SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS Name Address Country Account number, etc.
This allows users to enter requests for matches on a wide variety of criteria: Name Address Country Account number, etc. After the query is submitted the system returns a list of all entities matching the requested criteria and links them, where links exist. The search capabilities in AML360 are versatile and rich. You can search for a person by: A fragment of the name A fragment of the address A phone number An ID number A passport number The search engine in AML 360 would show immediately possible hits, a single click will take you directly to the subject’s transactions, complete file, visualization and diagrams, etc.. In fact, from the search results you can apply any analytical tool you may wish to use on the found subject of the search.

10 SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS Statistical reports can be automatically generated or ad hoc statistics can be obtained from the system to prepare reports on all activities carried out within the AML360 application. Many different types of reports can be produced. Reports produced can contain either general or very specific statistics of the FIU’s performance overall or in specific areas of activity. Statistical reports are are important function in AML It serves the following purposes: To assist you in compiling the annual report To assist in compliance checks by showing any variations in reporting patterns To manage the work load and efficiency and effectiveness of your organization, departments, units, teams and individuals as it measures performance against your SOP.

11 SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS A wide variety of analytical tools and views that allow analysts to look at data from numerous different angles is provided. Sorting, filtering, and pivoting are integrated allowing analysts to reveal patterns, anomalies, key variables, relationships, etc., Very feature-rich covering the contents of all reports and any other data held within the FIU’s database.

12 SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS Stores profiling data that is established by the system monitoring and recording typical transactional behaviors of persons, entities, accounts, occupational or business classes or groups, geographical areas, etc.

13 SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS Rules-based analysis is structured into three parts. The rules engine continuously scans the data in the AML360 database looking for data that matches certain circumstances (rules) that have been deemed by the FIU as worthy of specific attention. The rules editor is a user interface that allows rules to be written and submitted to the rules engine by anyone in the FIU authorized to do so. The alert manager is the process by which alerts triggered by the rules engine are managed and prioritized

14 SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS The workflow management system provides the ability for FIU management to set and maintain system-driven sequenced steps in the process of information management based on the FIU’s standard operating procedures. This component effectively drives the work of the FIU as it relates to receipt and management of information and the development and dissemination of intelligence. The Workflow System is fully configurable so that the workflow process can be set precisely to the needs and processes of the user FIU. The Task assignment and tracking component is a management tool that allows managers and supervisors to allocate tasks with or without pre-set time limits and to then monitor and track the progress of that task or tasks as they progress through the workflow cycle. This component also provides management with valuable statistical information that measures the performance of the workflow process itself and of the various FIU personnel working within it.

15 SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS The document management component allows the capture of documents through electronic transfer and/or scanning and optical character recognition (OCR). Documents can be recorded and filed according to a wide variety of document characteristics. The practical implication of this is that the entire content of any document is searchable and retrievable. This is the first step in the escalation process applied in the course of the internal intelligence cycle of the FIU. Once an analyst has compiled all initial information, analyzed it and a decision has been made that the matter under enquiry, whether originating from mandated reports or other sources, is worthy of further and closer attention he/she can create an intelligence file within the AML360 system.

16 SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS Data acquisition/integration from external sources: AML360 provides a variety of options whereby the FIU can request and collect data from any external source. The range of options can vary from a very high tech such as a fully online data acquisition and matching system to a letter delivered by post or by hand. Intelligence report writer tool: The intelligence report writer tool is a fully integrated component that usually forms the final stage in the analytical process and provides a template and process for preparing the final intelligence package for dissemination to the FIU’s end user agencies.

17 SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS Fully integrated
Runs continuously and charts all analysis processes undertaken by the analyst Designed specifically for FIU use to chart transactional flows Shows the connections of the parties to the transactions (persons, entities, accounts, etc.)

Username and password required to access applications. Access can be granted and revoked per: - User - Screen - Certain actions like copy, export, etc. Access to screens and data is logged Any modification to data by a user is logged Data partially encrypted in the database - Encryption level and extent at the discretion of the user

19 SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS AML360 - Security Access to the system generally or to any part of it by intelliSYS is at the discretion of the user – the user must “open the gate” and can supervise all activity intelliSYS does not hold private keys – cannot decipher encrypted data Database and system tools installed on the user’s premises intelliSYS has no independent access

20 SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS Searching for an existing CTR/STR

21 SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS Data Entry: Basic report information – who submitted it, reference # etc.

22 SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS Viewing transactions linked to the report

23 SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS Viewing transaction details

24 THANK YOU Questions ?

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