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North Atlantic Council

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1 North Atlantic Council
2009 Model NATO Conference North Atlantic Council

2 What is the NAC? Primary Decision Making Body of NATO
Permanent Representatives Weekly Meetings

3 What Does the NAC DO? Issues Declarations on Policy and Decisions
Reach Full Agreement on All Issues Tasks Other Committees of Experts for Research

4 Language is Key! Every Member Country Has an Agenda
Compromise is Important It’s a Full-Time Job!

5 The Political Affairs Committee

6 Function The foremost role of the Committee is to foster political cooperation among the Allies. The body uses two major tools to develop this cooperation: The policy of open information sharing and cooperation; and the policy of political cooperation among members on specific issues.

7 Agenda NATO - EU Relations NATO - Russia Relations
NATO - Ukraine Relations NATO – Georgia Relations NATO Enlargement NATO's role in Afghanistan & Iraq

8 NATO – EU Relations Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Lithuania’s move toward Europe, away from Russia, was inevitable. In 2004, Lithuania joined the European Union and NATO. Lithuania has yet to convert to the euro. It has joined the Schengen area. Lithuania was the first European state to ratify the Lisbon Treaty

9 NATO – Russia Relations
NATO-Russian relations began formally when Russia joined the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council in 1991. In 1997, Russian and Allied leaders signed the NATO-Russia Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security, which established the Permanent Joint Council (PJC).

10 NATO – Russia Relations (cont.)
In 2002, Russian and NATO leaders sign a declaration on “NATO-Russia Relations: A New Quality” and establish the NATO-Russia Council (NRC), which replaces the PJC. Key Areas of Cooperation: Current security issues, Terrorism, Military-to-military cooperation, Crisis management, TMD, Defense reform, Airspace management, Non-proliferation, Civil emergency planning.

11 NATO – Ukraine Relations
1991 – Ukraine joins the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council 1997 – The Allies and Ukraine formally sign the Charter on a Distinctive Partnership, establishing the NATO-Ukraine Commission (NUC) Leonid Kuchma announces Ukraine’s goal of eventual NATO membership. This results in the NATO-Ukraine Action Plan 2005 – In Vilnius, the Allies and Ukraine launch an Intensified Dialogue on Ukraine’s aspirations to NATO membership. 2008 – At the Bucharest Summit, NATO leaders agreed that Ukraine should and would become a member of NATO

12 NATO – Georgia Relations
In 1992, Georgia joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council. 2004 – Georgia finalizes its first Individual Partnership Action Plan 2006 – NATO offers Intensified Dialogue to Georgia April 2008 – At the Bucharest Summit, Allied leaders agreed that Georgia would join NATO in the future. September 2008 – NATO-Georgia Commission established to oversee further development of relations

13 NATO Enlargement “The Parties may, by unanimous agreement, invite any other European State in a position to further the principles of this Treaty and to contribute to the security of the North Atlantic area to accede to this Treaty.” - Article 10 (North Atlantic Treaty) Currently, Croatia, Albania, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia are participating in the MAP

14 The Defense Planning Committee
The Defense Planning Committee (DPC) is the senior decision-making body on matters relating to the integrated military structure of the Alliance.

15 Integrated Military Structure
All nations, opting to be members of the military part, of NATO contribute forces which together constitute the integrated military structure of the Alliance. France is a member of NATO but does not opt to be a member of the military part of NATO The military body of NATO follows the guidance of the collective members of NATO at all times.

16 Defense Planning Committee Agenda
NATO in Afghanistan and Iraq Stability and Reconstruction Issues New Member Integration NATO -– EU Relations and Operations

17 Nuclear Planning Group

18 Energy Security Information and intelligence fusion and sharing
Projecting stability Advancing international and regional cooperation Supporting consequence management Supporting the protection of critical infrastructure.

19 The Missile Shield NATO has recognized the missile shield as being vital to Europe's defense. Poland agrees to house interceptors. Russia threatens to deploy SRNM

20 Partnership for Peace Armament Co-op Projects
Language training (LNG) Command Control and communication (C3) Military education Training and doctrine (TRD) Air Space Management / Control (ASM) Air Defence (ADF) Logistics (LOG)

21 Working Group on NATO operations

22 KOSOVO Lithuania has taken an “active part in the peace campaign as well as contributing to Kosovo reconstruction process…” since 1999 with the OSCE & BALTCON (before it became a NATO member) Lithuania is determined to continuing humanitarian efforts to Kosovo until it is democratized. 30 Lithuanian soldiers currently present with the KFOR operation. Also, with a Polish-Ukrainian effort.

23 ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR Lithuania supports NATO’s Active Endeavor, but is not directly involved in it. Its aim is to prevent any terrorist activity in the Mediterranean Sea. Monitored by NATO ships & allied countries.

24 AFGHANISTAN Lithuania has been involved in Afghanistan since 2005 with over 1200 Lithuanians serving there. Involvement: Reconstruction & development (“infrastructure, good governance, & the rule of law, sustainable development, education, protection of cultural heritage. Leading the Provincial Reconstruction Team of the Ghor Province

25 NATO Training Mission-Iraq
Lithuanian personnel is directly involved in NTM-I. “Personnel trains & gives advice to the highest ranking & middle rank personnel of Iraqi security forces…, at NATO’s schools & training centres. Also donate equipment.

26 NATO Support to African Union
Lithuania, although supports NATO’s efforts, it is currently not giving any direct contributions. NATO began its AU mission in Sudan (especially Darfur) in 2005 & ended in Although, it is still assisting the UN & UNAMID if they need support. NATO provided airlift & training of AU personnel, but did not provide combat troops.

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