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Church Leader Tools: The Why, Who and What of Developing Leaders

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Presentation on theme: "Church Leader Tools: The Why, Who and What of Developing Leaders"— Presentation transcript:

1 Church Leader Tools: The Why, Who and What of Developing Leaders
Give credit to the group gathered!

2 Church Leader Tools: The Why, Who and What of Developing Leaders Part 1: Why
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3 Why:

4 It’s What Jesus Modelled For Us
Why: It’s What Jesus Modelled For Us Great commission, go therefore and make disciples

5 Why: It’s What Jesus Modelled For Us At Least Keep the Status Quo

6 Why: It’s What Jesus Modelled For Us At Least Keep the Status Quo Make Things Happen (Catalyze)

7 Why: It’s What Jesus Modelled For Us At Least Keep the Status Quo Make Things Happen (Catalyze) Leaders Go In New Directions

8 Why: It’s What Jesus Modelled For Us At Least Keep the Status Quo Make Things Happen (Catalyze) Leaders Go In New Directions Create Inspiration and Passion

9 Why: It’s What Jesus Modelled For Us At Least Keep the Status Quo Make Things Happen (Catalyze) Leaders Go In New Directions Create Inspiration and Passion Create Vision and Goals

10 Why: It’s What Jesus Modelled For Us At Least Keep the Status Quo Make Things Happen (Catalyze) Leaders Go In New Directions Create Inspiration and Passion Create Vision and Goals Build Momentum

11 Create Great Community
Why: Create Great Community Brings people together, not just alone

12 Why: Create Great Community Maximize Teams

13 Why: Create Great Community Maximize Teams Maximize Productivity

14 Why: Create Great Community Maximize Teams Maximize Productivity Leaders Replace Resources

15 Why: Create Great Community Maximize Teams Maximize Productivity Leaders Replace Resources Leaders Make Leaders

16 Why: Create Great Community Maximize Teams Maximize Productivity Leaders Replace Resources Leaders Make Leaders Create Succession/Legacy

17 The description section below has a link to downloadable handouts and original documents, resources to go deeper, and reflection/discussion questions. Now who should you forward this to in order to grow their leadership?

18 Church Leader Tools: The Why, Who and What of Developing Leaders Part 2: Who
Give credit to the group gathered!

19 Who:

20 Who: Jesus Follower/Servant Leader

21 Who: Jesus Follower/Servant Leader Holy Spirit Led (Prophetic)

22 Who: Jesus Follower/Servant Leader Holy Spirit Led (Prophetic) Love and Help People/Empathetic

23 Jesus Follower/Servant Leader Holy Spirit Led (Prophetic)
Who: Jesus Follower/Servant Leader Holy Spirit Led (Prophetic) Love and Help People/Empathetic Lack Leadership or Passion The flip of lacking either one

24 Who: Jesus Follower/Servant Leader Holy Spirit Led (Prophetic) Love and Help People/Empathetic Lack Leadership or Passion Look for Potential

25 Who: Jesus Follower/Servant Leader Holy Spirit Led (Prophetic) Love and Help People/Empathetic Lack Leadership or Passion Look for Potential Take Responsibility (Self Led)

26 Who: Jesus Follower/Servant Leader Holy Spirit Led (Prophetic) Love and Help People/Empathetic Lack Leadership or Passion Look for Potential Take Responsibility (Self Led) Have Vision or Strategy

27 Who: Build Teams/Collaborate (Inspire) 1 2 3 4 5 6

28 Who: Build Teams/Collaborate (Inspire) Competence, Character, Chemistry 1 2 3 4 5 6

29 Who: Build Teams/Collaborate (Inspire) Competence, Character, Chemistry Get Results/Solve Problems 1 2 3 4 5 6

30 Who: Build Teams/Collaborate (Inspire) Competence, Character, Chemistry Get Results/Solve Problems Improve (Challenge Status Quo) 1 2 3 4 5 6

31 Who: Build Teams/Collaborate (Inspire) Competence, Character, Chemistry Get Results/Solve Problems Improve (Challenge Status Quo) Who’ve Overcome Adversity 1 2 3 4 5 6

32 Who: Build Teams/Collaborate (Inspire) Competence, Character, Chemistry Get Results/Solve Problems Improve (Challenge Status Quo) Who’ve Overcome Adversity Growing/Show Teachability 1 2 3 4 5 6

33 Who: Build Teams/Collaborate (Inspire) Competence, Character, Chemistry Get Results/Solve Problems Improve (Challenge Status Quo) Who’ve Overcome Adversity Growing/Show Teachability Good Observer 1 2 3 4 5 6

34 Who: Reliable/Engender Trust 1 2 3 4 5 6

35 Who: Reliable/Engender Trust Good Communicator 1 2 3 4 5 6

36 Who: Reliable/Engender Trust Good Communicator Courage/Go Out Ahead 1 2 3 4 5 6

37 Who: Reliable/Engender Trust Good Communicator Courage/Go Out Ahead Confident/Assertive 1 2 3 4 5 6

38 The description section below has a link to downloadable handouts and original documents, resources to go deeper, and reflection/discussion questions. Now who should you forward this to in order to grow their leadership?

39 Church Leader Tools: The Why, Who and What of Developing Leaders Part 3: What
Give credit to the group gathered!

40 What:

41 What: Grow Your Own Leadership

42 What: Grow Your Own Leadership Investment/Development Attitude

43 What: Grow Your Own Leadership Investment/Development Attitude “To Do” List and “To Develop” List

44 What: Grow Your Own Leadership Investment/Development Attitude “To Do” List and “To Develop” List Culture of Leadership

45 What: Grow Your Own Leadership Investment/Development Attitude “To Do” List and “To Develop” List Culture of Leadership Develop A Leadership Pipeline

46 What: Grow Your Own Leadership Investment/Development Attitude “To Do” List and “To Develop” List Culture of Leadership Develop A Leadership Pipeline Offer Training (Competency)

47 What: Grow Your Own Leadership Investment/Development Attitude “To Do” List and “To Develop” List Culture of Leadership Develop A Leadership Pipeline Offer Training (Competency) Group Investment (Book Study)

48 What: Invest Care and Time

49 What: Invest Care and Time Pray for Leaders

50 What: Invest Care and Time Pray for Leaders Ask, “How Can I Help You Grow?”

51 What: Invest Care and Time Pray for Leaders Ask, “How Can I Help You Grow?” Learn to Delegate/Step Back

52 What: Invest Care and Time Pray for Leaders Ask, “How Can I Help You Grow?” Learn to Delegate/Step Back Challenge

53 Ask, “How Can I Help You Grow?” Learn to Delegate/Step Back Challenge
What: Invest Care and Time Pray for Leaders Ask, “How Can I Help You Grow?” Learn to Delegate/Step Back Challenge Give Opportunity experience and failure, trust)

54 What: Invest Care and Time Pray for Leaders Ask, “How Can I Help You Grow?” Learn to Delegate/Step Back Challenge Give Opportunity Mentor/Coach

55 The description section below has a link to downloadable handouts and original documents, resources to go deeper, and reflection/discussion questions. Now who should you forward this to in order to grow their leadership?

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