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Märt Möls, Krista Fischer, Anneli Uusküla, Helle Kilgi

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1 Generalized Linear Mixed Models to analyse data from Respondent-Driven Sampling
Märt Möls, Krista Fischer, Anneli Uusküla, Helle Kilgi Tartu University, Estonia

2 Hard-to-reach populations
Intravenous Drug Users Example: Estonian Intravenous Drug Users Survey (Data collection 2005) Commercial Sex Workers Example: Estonian Commercial Sex Workers Survey (Data collection 2006) gay men; street youth; homeless; bayesian etc.

3 Respondent-Driven Sampling (RDS)

4 Respondent-Driven Sampling (RDS)

5 Respondent-Driven Sampling (RDS)

6 Respondent-Driven Sampling (RDS)

7 Respondent-Driven Sampling (RDS)

8 Respondent-Driven Sampling (RDS)

9 Respondent-Driven Sampling (RDS)

10 Respondent-Driven Sampling (RDS)

11 Estonian IDU Study

12 Basic description of the Studies
Intravenous Drug Users Commercial Sex Workers Sample size 450 Tallinn - 350; Kohtla-Järve-100 227 Number of seeds 9 43 Median network size 50 6 Number of “waves” HIV+ 62% 7,5%

13 How to analyse a RDS study?
Naive Analysis - Treat the data as from usual random sample. Convinient, often used, but... ; Heckathorn’s method – use Markov Chains to derive asymptotically unbiased (under plausible assumptions) estimates of proportions; Use Linear Mixed Models/Generalized Linear Mixed Models with suitable covariance structure.

14 Naive Analysis - problems
Undersampling of respondents with few friends (small network size); Bias due to non-random selection of seeds; Friends are “more similar” to each other than two randomly choosen persons from the target population Association between recruiter and recruited (from IDU study): HIV status p-value=0,0009 age p-value=0,03 type of drug used p-value=0,00002

15 Heckathorn’s method "Respondent-Driven Sampling: A New Approach to the Study of Hidden Populations." By Douglas D. Heckathorn.  Social Problems, 1997. "Respondent-Driven Sampling II: Deriving Valid Population Estimates from Chain-Referral Samples of Hidden Populations." By Douglas D. Heckathorn. Social Problems, 2002. + (asymptoticaly) unbiased results under plausible assumptions (connected population; individuals sample randomly among one’s friends; if A knows B then B knows A; + a few technical ones). - A method to just estimate proportions?

16 Linear Mixed Models / GLMM
AIM: To provide classical modelling possibilities to analyse samples collected based on a RDS design.

17 Remedy 1 - Undersampling
Undersampling can be corrected using weighted averages or related techniques (estimation of certain linear functions of parameters). Corrections are regularly applied if stratified random sampling has been used, for example.

18 Distribution of network sizes

19 Correction for undersampling
1. Include network size to the model of interest, eg.: logit(P(HIV+|NS)) = c+f(NS) 2. Integrate NS out from the final result based on the estimated proportions of network sizes, eg: P(HIV+) = ∑ P(HIV+|NS=i) P(NS=i) 3. Use delta method to calculate se for logistic regression; exact calculations for linear models.

20 There is nothing new in analysing correlated observations.
For example, one can use

21 Time Series Analysis

22 Repeated Measures / Multilevel Analysis

23 A possible correlation structure for a RDS Design
1 r r 2 r 3

24 Possible correlation structure for a RDS Design
H I 1 r r 2 r 3 s sr sr2

25 Some possible modeling approaches using such correlation structure:
Linear Mixed Models Generalized Linear Mixed Models Generalized Latent Variable Models / Generalized Structural Equation Models ....

26 Correction for seed selection bias?
May-be one can consider the seed selection bias as a random “effect” added to the seeds (seeds are correlated to each other due to the random “selection bias” effect); This added random “effect” is propagating (in a decreasing way) along the recruitment path – so the “offsprings” of different seeds start to be less correlated after each new recruitment wave. - Suggested approach is really computer intensive. Estimating linear/generalized linear models by using this kind of correlation structure can really be too slow.

27 Does it work? Comparison with other methods Simulations
Does the proposed model fit to the real data?

28 Some results I CSW Study: 7,5% 4,7% 0,01747 - 0,0169 4%..12% 3%..9%
Naive Heckathorn GLMM HIV+ (%) 7,5% 4,7% se 0,01747 - 0,0169 95%-CI 4%..12% 3%..9% 1%..8% Average Age 29,3 NA 29,0 0,6 1,2 28,1...30,5 26,6..31,3

29 Some results II IDU Study: 54% 47% 89% 91% 90% Average Age 24,2 NA
Naive Heckathorn GLMM Tallinn, HIV+ (%) 54% 47% Kohtla-Järve, HIV+ (%) 89% 91% 90% Average Age 24,2 NA 23,7

30 Simulation – creating a population

31 Simulation – creating a population

32 Simulation – creating a population

33 Simulation – creating a population

34 Simulation – creating a population

35 Simulation – sampling

36 Simulation – sampling

37 Simulation – sampling

38 Simulation – sampling

39 Simulation results (True population prevalence about 0,45)
95%-CI Method MSE coverage bias Naive 0, ,0% ,046 Heckatorn 0, ,5% ,003 GLMM 0, ,0% ,006

40 Does the model fit? Example model (for age) from the IDU study
Correlation parameter estimates: r = 0,084 s = 0,152 AIC = 2700 (RDS correlation structure) AIC = 2704 (Indipendence)

41 Problems with the CSW-study

42 HIV risk factors - CSW Category of SW Brothel Street Other
Naive Analysis OR (95% CI) (unadjusted) GLMM Category of SW Brothel Street Other 4,0 (1,2...15,3) 12,6 (3,0...56,8) 1 3,6 (1,2...10,4) 3,1 (0,7...14,1) Drug use: No Yes 8,3 (2,3...27,8) 2,3 (0,6...8,5) Years of CSW 0,84 (0,70...0,95) 0,76 (0,67..0,87)

43 HIV risk factors - IDU Gender: male female 1 1.2 (0.7...2.1)
Naive Analysis OR (95% CI) (unadjusted) GLMM Gender: male female 1 1.2 ( ) 1.3 ( ) Years of drug use: 2 years or less 3..5 years 6..9 years 10 years or more 2.8 ( ) 4.8 ( ) 3.5 ( ) 2.4 ( ) 3.8 ( ) 2.5 ( )

44 IDU – final model for HIV status
log(OR) OR %-CI p-value Network size (Ref: 100+) less than Duration of injection career (Ref: 0-2 years) 3-5 years 6-9 years 10 years or more Place of residence (Ref: Tallinn) Kohtla-Järve Number of sexual partners during last year (Ref: 0) one more than one Age group (Ref: <20) 30 or more

45 Conclusions To draw an RDS sample is often temptingly convienient – however, naive analysis of such samples may result in misleading inferences. GLMM analysis of RDS samples requires assumptions that are realistic in many practical settings. One can analyse an RDS study by using standard software (for example R) Not all hidden populations are networked; not all questions concerning RDS have been answered

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