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Interpersonal Relationships- Friendship

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1 Interpersonal Relationships- Friendship
Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships Friendship 烟台二中 李东旭





6 Free Talk What kind of qualities do you think a good friend should have?

7 the qualities a good friend should have
outgoing humorous optimistic tolerant Friends generous honest kind faithful warmhearted

8 Discussion How can you keep the friendship between you and your friends?

9 how to keep the friendship:
Be kind, honest and patient to our friends. Love, respect and trust our friends. Encourage and help our friends when they are in trouble. Share joys and sorrows with our friends. Forgive our friends when they make mistakes.

10 Roy’s story

11 Skimming Look through the passage and find out
the periods of time that are mentioned. 12 years old 5 years later last week 3 months ago this weekend

12 From last week to this weekend
Scanning Fill in the blanks Time What happened to Roy Daniel’s reaction 3 months ago At the same time From last week to this weekend

13 Three months ago: What happened to Roy: The author’s reaction: I found Roy going through the pockets of people’s coats and trying to steal a wallet. I turned round and walked out without saying a word. (disappointed/angry)

14 At the same time: What happened to Roy: The author’s reaction: Small amounts of money started disappearing from students’ lockers. I decided not to say anything to anyone. (Trust his friend and protect him)

15 From last week to this weekend:
What happened to Roy: The author’s reaction: 500 pounds were stolen by Roy. I was so surprised that I just stood there, holding the notes in my hand. (shocked)

16 Discuss the questions in groups
1. Do you think Daniel did very well? 2. If you were Daniel, what would you do? 16

17 One possible answer: If I were Daniel, I would trust my friend and help him out of sorrow to become happy again. Meanwhile, I would talk with him, ask him to play with us and tell jokes for him. In a word, I would try my best to help him overcome the difficulties and make him feel the warmth from friends. After all, a friend in need is a friend indeed. 17

18 Presentation What happened next? Suppose you are Daniel, please continue your story and try to find a way to help Roy out without hurting him. Please share your story with us. (within 5 sentences)

19 Homework Please write a letter to Roy and express your hope for his friendship and encourage him to become confident again.

20 Thanks!

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