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Music Conservatory The conservatory of music of Fuengirola is within the park of the orange trees, was created with the intention of increasing the musical.

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Presentation on theme: "Music Conservatory The conservatory of music of Fuengirola is within the park of the orange trees, was created with the intention of increasing the musical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Music Conservatory The conservatory of music of Fuengirola is within the park of the orange trees, was created with the intention of increasing the musical culture of this people who by now is a city. But he had a small capacity to accommodate students, and classes were also very few tools and only a few years. But for the academic year , 104 new places offered elementary and 88 middle-level figures which again highlight the need for expanded facilities, which are currently the limit with 260 students. To this we must add the expected transfer to Fuengirola in many West Coast students who teach in one of the two conservatories average degree of Malaga. "The forecast is that we have about 500 students," said Abbot. This figure will reach 900 in the coming years as all courses are at full capacity, forcing almost quadruple the teaching staff, which currently consists of 15 teachers. Music Conservatory

2 The Conservatory of Music Conservatory is the third grade through the province, next to the existing two in the capital. In elementary school are also those of Antequera and Ronda Torre del Mar, plus four of Malaga. Finally, there are only four higher grade in Andalusia (Malaga, Seville, Cordoba and Granada). In elementary school there are 104 seats and can be played: violin, viola, cello, bass, piano and guitar (up to 4. Fifth grade), and 1. Number of flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, trumpet and trombone. and the average grade is only 88 squares and playing is total:: Instruments: Violin, viola, cello, bass, piano and guitar (until March. º), and 1. Number of flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, trumpet and trombone.

3 Interview with Belen Balbuena a high school student 1 Bach B
1 - Why were you at the conservatory? At first it was my brother who was all day telling me to point out that I was going to like, and it was. I found something that amused but mostly something that I felt good (but also the future and everything he saw jajaj). My life is music and one of the best places to prepare for your life is full of music conservatory What instrument you played? The violin Do you play an instrument now? Sure!, Violin, piano, bass and flute What music are you listening? Classical, metal (all subgenres) and reggae Do not support the music you listen to classical music? Sure, metal music has much to do with the classic, much more than many people imagine. Many groups of classic rock classical music scales used to compose his songs. People think (which some do not care what people think) that people who like metal are hard, cold as a danger to society, but they are really sensitive people with great magnificence, and that towards helps to appreciate the music that conveys a feeling and a story. Many people can tell you metalheads who love Wagner's music simply because it makes a beautiful, beautiful (for example: I, jajaja). On the other hand when you hear songs metal genre to classic Black Sabbath, the maiden or Metallica, you can feel the great influence he has had classical music in the metal. Iron Maiden-like voices introduced opera singers, there are sections of riffs interspersed with guitar solos, bass or drums, and even long silences and sometimes with increased volume (as in classical), also in songs that begin low battery and then joins the guitar, and then the voice. We can also see how many metal bands performed concerts with orchestras (eg Metallica with the San Francisco Philharmonic Orchestra), if they were not compatible and influenced styles could not be joined.

4 6 - What is music for you. It is very difficult to explain
6 - What is music for you? It is very difficult to explain. It's something addictive from the first day that I discovered (since I have use of reason) I have not been able to separate from it (something like my best friend hahaha), a form of expression and to better understand people's feelings because it always behind a song or a play there feelings and situations or hidden personal stories (the music are the feelings in a pure state). It's something I get up and go to sleep, something to communicate because when I can not say something in words what I say with music. The highest expression of art. When you hear something that makes you change of state, I do not think anyone would feel when you hear music and Mozart Requiem this enjoying happiness or when you hear the St. Matthew Passion of Bach will be like. The key to the heart, soul and opens the flow of feelings. It's like breathing, something essential to life, the blood coursing through my veins. Something extraordinary, the music is MY LIFE.

5 Students from th Number 1
In this first graph there are many instruments that play the students of this school, these plots are made by all classes of school number one, asking students if they go to the conservatory of music and instrument playing, most of the students in a 80% do not go to the conservatory, it is very expensive, and learn to play their instrument with the help of a family member, or teach in the house of culture. The instrument is the guitar playing more Spanish, followed by piano and electric guitar, many of these students have bands playing in bars

6 Rocío Garrido Fernández
In this second graph is expressed by age, where most are in the 16 years, that's because students at this age seek refuge refuge in music, as Belen said, the music serves to express our feelings, and a person of 16 years has many hidden feelings, express what is released through the music Rocío Garrido Fernández

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