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Actuarial Club Fall Kickoff 2016

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1 Actuarial Club Fall Kickoff 2016

2 2016-2017 Club Officers President VP of Social Media & Marketing
Jake Corrao VP of Social Media & Marketing Jimmy Mans VP of Educational Enrichment Vishnu Aravati VP of Communications Steph Falk VP of Finance Mitch Wiemer VP of Member Relations & Engagement Jared Hoyer All Let’s take a new picture tomorrow quickly

3 Club overview Largest student organization in WSB
16 Employer Presentations in Social/Volunteering opportunities Haunted House, Women’s Hockey Game, and more! Strong partnership with Risk & Insurance Department Co-Curricular Learning Board Risk & Insurance Career Fair jared Not just WSB students Clearly separate CCLB from club

4 Goals Jake Introduction: these were formed from survey results (which we take seriously). New and exciting things for this year

5 Goals Expand student knowledge of the Casualty Actuarial Society and the associated exam structure Highlight differences between working in insurance and consulting Increase student exposure to Risk and Insurance Department faculty Provide more social and volunteering opportunities and increase participation Communicate the importance and significance of diversity and inclusion Jake Step through one by one, provide our ideas for how we’ll accomplish

6 Exam Scholarship Program
Program Goal: To ease the financial burden on students when sitting for actuarial exams and provide incentive to pass the exams while in school Sittings Fall semester: Exams taken in September through January inclusive Spring semester: Exams taken in February through August inclusive Approximately $40,000 in Exam Scholarships awarded in Kirk

7 Exam scholarship Program: Requirements
Updated for to align with Actuarial Club goals To be eligible to apply for an Exam Reimbursement Scholarship, a student must: Be enrolled as a full-time UW-Madison student or a Capstone Certificate student Be a dues-paying member of the Actuarial Club Attend at least 3 Actuarial Club employer presentations (or Risk & Insurance Department CCLB events) during the semester when sitting for an exam Attend at least 1 Actuarial Club Social or Volunteering event (excluding kickoffs) during the semester when sitting for an exam Kirk

8 Mentorship Program An opportunity to be paired with an experienced actuarial student with in-depth knowledge of both our actuarial program and common situations that many students face A great way to build meaningful relationships with your peers, who can offer advice and answer questions KICKOFF: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th –signup in newsletter! 6:30pm—Mentors 7:00pm—Mentees Questions? Contact Marlee Nichols or Jordan Marks Stephanie

9 How do I get involved? The Actuarial Club strives to provide members opportunities for club leadership and greater involvement Opportunities include: Club Officer Positions Class Representative (for students enrolled in ACT SCI 300 and ACT SCI 301) Leadership Committees Mentorship program Volunteering through the Risk & Insurance Department Employer Presentation Host Others, as needed CCLB, banquet, career fair for volunteering through CCLB Information about all will be in newsletter when time comes

10 2016 Risk and insurance Career fair & Prep Session
Career Fair: Thursday, September 29th from 4:30-7:45pm Gordon Commons, 2nd floor Positions are posted on BuckyNet! See newsletter for information on Career Fair Booklet pickup information (free for club members!) Career Fair Prep Session: Wednesday, September 21st from 5:45-6:45pm Grainger, Room 1100 Topics covered: What to wear? What to bring? What to say? What’s next? Follow ups. And more! Questions? Contact Jodi Wortsman, Grainger 5252   Try and use phrasing that separates this from the club

11 Stay connected Weekly Newsletters Social Media WIN site
Upcoming events, reminders for dues/T-shirt orders, leadership opportunities, etc. Social Media Facebook Group: Actuarial Club at UW-Madison Page: Actuarial Club at University of Wisconsin WIN site Go under ‘Roster’ and register as member Exam scholarship document Events calendar Jimmy

12 Wrap-up Club dues are $30 per academic year and provide meaningful benefits Watch newsletter for additional opportunities to pay club dues if you haven’t already Suggestions/Questions/Concerns can always be shared Stick around and socialize! Mitch Explain importance of benefits RMIS Kickoff Ice-cream and Trivia in room 1280 from 7pm-8pm


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