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Do you see what I see? You may want to ask the students to share their ideas about what they think this EN lesson will be about.

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Presentation on theme: "Do you see what I see? You may want to ask the students to share their ideas about what they think this EN lesson will be about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do you see what I see? You may want to ask the students to share their ideas about what they think this EN lesson will be about.

2 Setting the Stage You will be working with a partner.
With your partner, stand next to each other so that you can see this screen. The partner with the longest hair will be Partner A. The other partner is Partner B. If a student does not have a partner, teacher please partner that student. You may want to confirm that the students know which partner letter they have by asking: “If you are Partner A, please raise your hand. Thank you, you may put your hand down.” “If you are Partner B, please raise both hands. Thank you, you may put both hands down.”

3 Setting the Stage You will be looking at a series of picture frames.
After each frame, you will be presented with a question. You will also see the letter of the partner who will turn to their partner and respond to the question. Partners will take turns responding to the picture frames. You will have approximately seconds to share your answer with your partner. The teacher will record ideas. Some of the initial questions may be easy to respond to at the beginning but you may need to give the partner some additional time to think before responding on some slides. **RELUCTANT SPEAKERS: Teachers if you have reluctant speakers you can adjust the time that allows each partner to respond to the picture frame. If you choose to do this, use the partner letter on each question slide as the first partner to share their idea. **ENCOURAGE the students to speak in complete sentences using part of the question as the sentence stem.

4 Good Speaking Tips Speak clearly and to the point good ideas aren’t accepted if they aren’t presented well Wait your turn if you have to fight to say what you want to say you will always lose. People don’t respect the ideas of people who don’t respect others. Talk!!!  “I don’t know” means you have nothing interesting to say. If you never have anything interesting to say, you will stop being interesting to others.

5 Before we begin….. Ask for a student volunteer to explain what they are about to do. “Who can tell the class, better than I can, what we are about to do?”

6 Leave frame up for 5-7 seconds. No one should be talking
Leave frame up for 5-7 seconds. No one should be talking. All should be processing the information on the slide.

7 Partner A: What is the circumstance?
Partner A responds. If the teacher does not have a student partner, then teacher may want to walk around to monitor the student responses. Vocabulary Support Suggestion: You may have to explain that circumstance means an event. If the students’ responses are: “a fire” – ask them to elaborate about what they believe is on fire/ burning in this picture SENTENCE STEM Support/Suggestions: I think the situation in this picture is ____________________ because __________________. I think _____________ is happening in this picture because _________________________.

8 What are some guesses you heard about the circumstance in the picture?
Large group share: Encourage students to share what they heard…. If the students’ responses are: a fire – ask them to elaborate about what they believe is on fire/ or what burning in this picture Teacher can record the guesses on a white board or chalkboard for the class to see. This information can be used to compare the final guess to their initial guess.

9 Leave picture frame up for about 5-7 seconds before moving to the next slide.
Prompts for reluctant speakers: Reveal 1: What is the situation? Reveal 2: What is the setting? Reveal 3: What about this picture supports or changes your idea of the setting? Reveal 4: What new ideas do you have about the season/time of day? Reveal 5: How does this picture change your thinking from your first thoughts? Reveal 6: What is this image?

10 Partner B: What is the setting?
Partner B responds. Vocabulary Support Suggestion: You may have to explain that setting means the location or place. If the teacher does not have a student partner, then teacher may want to walk around to monitor the student responses. SENTENCE STEM Support/Suggestions: I think the setting in this picture is ____________________ because __________________. I think that this is taking place at _________________________ because ______________. I think the location is ________________________.

11 Leave picture frame up for about 5-7 seconds before moving to the next slide.
Prompts for reluctant speakers: Reveal 1: What is the situation? Reveal 2: What is the setting? Reveal 3: What about this picture supports or changes your idea of the setting? Reveal 4: What new ideas do you have about the season/time of day? Reveal 5: How does this picture change your thinking from your first thoughts? Reveal 6: What is this image?

12 Partner A: What about this picture supports or changes your idea about the setting?
Partner A responds. If the teacher does not have a student partner, then teacher may want to walk around to monitor the student responses. SENTENCE STEM Support/Suggestions: My idea about the setting has changed to ____________________ because __________________. I still think the setting is ___________________ because _______________________.

13 Leave picture frame up for about 5-7 seconds before moving to the next slide.

14 Partner B: What new ideas do you have about the season, the time of day or about the circumstance?
Partner B responds. The students can share any new ideas about the picture that they have. It does not have to be limited to the season or time of day. If the teacher does not have a student partner, then teacher may want to walk around to monitor the student responses. SENTENCE STEM Support/Suggestions: I think the setting in this picture is ____________________ because __________________. I think that this is taking place at _________________________ because ______________. I think the location is ________________________.

15 Leave picture frame up for about 5-7 seconds before moving to the next slide.

16 Partner A: How does this picture piece change your original thought about the circumstance?
Partner A responds. Vocabulary Support Suggestion: You may have to explain that original thought means their first idea. If the teacher does not have a student partner, then teacher may want to walk around to monitor the student responses. SENTENCE STEM Support/Suggestions: Now I think ____________________ because __________________. My first thought was _________________________ but now I think ______________because ______________.


18 Partner B: What is this image?

19 Leave picture frame up for about 5-7 seconds before moving to the next slide.
Prompts for reluctant speakers: Reveal 1: What is the situation? Reveal 2: What is the setting? Reveal 3: What about this picture supports or changes your idea of the setting? Reveal 4: What new ideas do you have about the season/time of day? Reveal 5: How does this picture change your thinking from your first thoughts? Reveal 6: What is this image?

20 What is the circumstance?
You and your partner have about 1 minute to come up with one answer to this question. Please be prepared to share your answer. Give some time for each partner group to discuss and come up with one answer to share with the group. The teacher or the partner group can decide which partner will share the idea. The teacher should record the answers on the white board or chalkboard. DISCUSSION SUGGESTION: It may be appropriate to lead a discussion comparing the original idea to the latest idea and the supporting details that made partners change their responses. You may also save this discussion idea and present it at the end of the activity. SENTENCE STEM Support/Suggestions: We think that ___________________________ because _________________________.

21 Stay on this slide! Suggested questions: (You may create your own questions.) You may open up these questions to the group. How many partners had the right answer? What were some of the surprises? What did you learn about being a listener….about being a speaker? What did you learn about the way your brain thought or processed the pieces of the picture? What changes would you make to the setting? What would have made this activity easier?

22 Thank Your Partner! Before returning to their seats, please have the students thank their partner!

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