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Technical Textile TE-1051 Muhammad Ali Iqbal.

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1 Technical Textile TE-1051 Muhammad Ali Iqbal

2 Definitions of Technical Textile
All textile products, which are designed for the most part to conform to their functionality, are technical textile. All textile excluding household and clothing are technical textile. But Pressure suit for astronauts, the cold and water resistant suits for diver are not in the group of clothing but are technical textile. A Technical textile is a textile product manufactured for non-aesthetic purposes, where function is the primary criterion.

3 Classes of Technical Textile
Agrotech (Agro-textiles) Textiles used in Agriculture are termed as agro textiles.  For Layer separation in fields, nets for plants, rootless plants & protecting grassy areas. As sun screens (since they have adjustable screening) and wind shields. As packing material and in bags for storing grass (that has been mowed). Controlling stretch in knitted nets. Shade for basins. Anti-birds nets. Materials for ground and plant water management at the time of scarcity and abundance of water.

4 Classes of Technical Textile…….
Mobiltech (Automotive and aerospace textiles) These textiles are used in automobiles, ships and aircraft. Many coated and reinforced textiles are use in materials for engines such as air ducts, timing belts, air filters, non-wovens for engine sound isolation. Buildtech (Construction Textiles) Textiles used in construction - concrete reinforcement, façade foundation systems, interior construction, insulations, proofing materials, air conditioning, noise prevention, visual protection, protection against the sun, building safety.

5 Classes of Technical Textile…….
Clothtech (Clothing Textiles) Technical textiles for clothing applications. Especially in the finishing process where fabric is treated under pressure and high temperature the technical textile supports the fabric for smooth processing. This is usually the blend of polyester,modal,viscose,nylon,etc. Geotech (Geo-textiles) These are used in reinforcement of embankments or in constructional work. The application areas include civil engineering, earth and road construction, dam engineering, soil sealing and in drainage systems. Hometech (Domestic Textiles) Textiles used in a domestic environment - interior decoration and furniture, carpeting, protection against the sun, cushion materials, fireproofing, floor and wall coverings, textile reinforced structures/fittings.

6 Classes of Technical Textile…….
Packtech (Packaging textiles) Packaging, silos, containers, bags, lashing straps, canvas covers, marquee tents. Indutech (Industrial Textiles) Textiles used for chemical and electrical applications and textiles related to mechanical engineering. Oekotech or Ecotech (Environmentally friendly textiles) New applications for textiles in environmental protection applications - floor sealing, erosion protection, air cleaning, prevention of water pollution, water cleaning, waste treatment/recycling, depositing area construction, product extraction, domestic water sewerage plants. Sporttech (Sports textiles) Shoes, sports equipment, flying and sailing sports, climbing, angling, cycling, winter and summer sports, indoor sport it can vary from anything including sports bags.

7 Textile recycling Textile recycling is the method of reusing or reprocessing used clothing, fibrous material and clothing scraps from the manufacturing process. Textiles in municipal solid waste are found mainly in discarded clothing, although other sources include furniture, carpets, tires, footwear, and nondurable goods such as sheets and towels.

8 Textile recycling

9 Textile recycling

10 Reason for Textile Testing
There are a number of points in the production cycle where testing may be carried out to improve the product or to prevent sub-standard merchandise progressing further in the cycle.   Checking Raw Materials Monitoring Production Assessing the Final Product Investigation of Faulty Material Product Development and Research 

11 Checking Raw Materials
The production cycle starts with the delivery of raw material. If the material is incorrect then it is impossible to produce the required quality of final product.  The textile industry consists of a number of separate processes .Raw material depends on the stage in processing at which the testing takes place. The incoming material is checked for the required properties so that unsuitable material can be rejected or appropriate adjustments made to the production conditions. The standards that the raw material has to meet must be set at a realistic level.

12 Monitoring Production
Production monitoring is known as quality control. Its aim is to maintain, within known tolerances, certain specified properties of the product at the level at which they have been set. A quality product for these purposes is defined as one whose properties meets or exceeds the set specifications. Successful monitoring of production is requires the careful design of sampling procedures and the use of statistical analysis to make sense of the results.

13 Assessing the Final Product
In this process the bulk production is examined before delivery to the customer to see if it meets the specifications. It takes place after the material has been produced. It is therefore too late to alter the production conditions.

14 Investigation of Faulty Material
If faulty material is discovered either at final inspection or through a customer complaint it is important that the cause is isolated. Investigations of faults involve the determination of which party is responsible for faulty material. Work of this nature is often contracted out to independent laboratories who are then able to give an unbiased opinion.

15 Product Development and Research
In the textile industry technology is changing all the time, bringing modified materials or different methods of production. Before any modified product reaches the market place it is necessary to test the material to check that the properties have been improved or have not been degraded by faster production methods. In this way an improved product or a lower-cost product with the same properties can be provided for the customer. 

16 Thank you! Welcome.....!

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