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The Alabama Transportation Rehabilitation and Improvement Program

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1 The Alabama Transportation Rehabilitation and Improvement Program
ATRIP ATRIP The Alabama Transportation Rehabilitation and Improvement Program

2 ATRIP Projects Bridges Projects Selected for Funding: 1121 391
Consolidated Into Other ATRIP Projects: Under Construction or Completed: Advertised for May 2017 Letting: Active Region/Design Bureau Lead: Abandoned by Sponsor or Exhausted Funds: Active IP Bureau Lead Completed CN Bureau Review: Active IP Bureau Lead Without CN Bureau Review:

3 ATRIP 729 Projects Under Construction or Completed
$776 Million Low Bid $80 Million CE&I $856 Million Investment in Local Roads and Bridges

4 ATRIP The Letter By October Projects Construction Bureau Ready NEPA Document Substantially Complete Fish & Wildlife Coordination Determine ROW Need Cultural Resource Assessment Tribal Coordination Corps of Engineers Coordination Property Owner Contact

5 ATRIP PSE – must be complete
Plans in IP Bureau with PSE Comments Addressed Letter Recommending Number of Working Days Utility Certificate

6 ATRIP IPB Bureau Will Catalogue Projects That are CN Ready
Work with Regions, Sponsors, and Industry to Determine Letting Schedule for Remaining Projects Must be Let by December 2018

7 ATRIP Environmental 148 projects left, 102 DO NOT have documents
Of those 102 projects, 82 are bridges or projects that require ROW.

8 Resurface CR-127 from CR-271 to CR-89
Tribal Updates ATRIP Resurface CR-127 from CR-271 to CR-89 Dekalb County N 34°23’05” W 85°42’50” Township 7 South, Range 9 East, Section 32 of the Fort Payne, AL USGS Quadrangle Map Culvert Location Hicks Creek NORTH

9 Document Updates

10 Document Updates

11 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Updates
IPaC Assisted Determination Key is now available for use by eligible Transportation Agencies at 







18 Bat Assessment Guidance Form

19 Bat Assessment Guidance Form, cont.

20 Federally listed Threatened/ Endangered Bats

21 ATRIP Overview Review Submittals
Initial Scope of Work & Design Safety Report/Design Certification Slope Waivers County Constructing Approaches Early Award & Delayed Start Requests Bridge Widths TS&L Submittals & Bridge Design Review Submittals Utilities

22 Plan-In-Hand Review Submittals
We do not require Plan-In-Hand (PIH) reviews for ATRIP projects. If a project is complex or has unusual design issues, a PIH review would be beneficial to aid in ironing out those issues. If your project falls into this category, the following items are required for the submittal: A ½ size set of plans without quantities (Summary Sheets or Box Sheets) An Approved Materials Report An Approved Scope of Work

23 PS&E Review Submittals
One ½ size set of plans or 2 ½ size sets if your project includes traffic signal work other than loop wire replacement for resurfacing projects. The 2nd ½ size set will be transmitted to Design Bureau – Traffic Design for their review. They will provide any comments pertaining to traffic signal under a separate review letter. An Approved Materials Report An Approved Scope of Work

24 Construction Bureau Review Submittals
One ½ size set of plans or 2 ½ size sets if your project is a bridge replacement project with an AASHTO Bridge, Precast Bridge, or a 3-Sided Culvert. If your project is a bridge replacement project with an AASHTO Bridge, Precast Bridge, or a 3-Sided Culvert, you do not need to include the bridge plans in your submittal. We will receive signed bridge plans for the project from Bridge Bureau and insert them into your plan assembly prior to transmitting them to Construction Bureau. We cannot send a project to Construction Bureau with an AASHTO Bridge, Precast Bridge, or 3-Sided Culvert without signed bridge plans from Bridge Bureau. Recommended Working Days Cost Estimate – Can be from County or from Transport Utility Certificate – Show all owners and whether or not they are in conflict. If they are in conflict, the cert. should state who will be responsible for moving the utility and the date when the relocation will be complete.

25 Office Engineer Submittals
One full size paper set with a Mylar Title Sheet. If you are making an Office Engineer submittal for an AASHTO Bridge, Precast Bridge, or 3-Sided Culvert Bridge Replacement Project, you do not need to include the bridge plans in your submittal. We will receive signed bridge plans for the project from the Bridge Bureau and insert them into your plan assembly prior to submitting them to Office Engineer. Transport Estimate that matches the quantities shown in the Office Engineer submittal. Construction Bureau review comment response letter. We need both the roadway and bridge response letters if the project is a bridge replacement project with an AASHTO, Precast, or 3-Sided Culvert. Documentation: R.O.W. encroachment certificate – Please note that ATRIP projects require the “old” County Transportation version of the R.O.W. encroachment certificate which is the one that requires the region to visually inspect and certify that all encroachments have been removed. R.O.W. recording data letter Utility Certificate Engineering Personnel & Equipment Certification (or letter stating the intent to use a consultant for engineering and inspection) Certificate of Physical Construction (R.O.W. Cert.) Railroad Certification Approved Environmental Document

26 Scope of Work & Design Safety Report/Design Certification
All projects require an Initial Scope of Work and a Design Safety Report or a Design Certification Letter. A Design Safety Report will be needed if there are features within the project limits that do not meet all of the parameters as noted in the ALDOT County Road Design Policy for the proposed design speed and traffic shown for the project. These include: Horizontal Curves Vertical Curves Maximum Grade Superelevation Lane Widths Shoulder Widths The Design Safety Report will have to be submitted to the Region, Innovative Programs, and the Chief Engineer for approval. If the project meets all of the above design features, then a Design Certification letter is all that is required.

27 Slope Waiver Requests The use of any slope on a project that is steeper than 3:1 will require approval from the Chief Engineer. This includes projects where the county will be using county forces to construct the approaches.

28 County Requests to Construct Approaches
For bridge replacement projects where the county is proposing to construct approaches with county forces, the county must submit a request in accordance with the county transportation memo titled “Use of County Forces to Accomplish Work on Federally funded Construction Projects Requiring Suspension of Time Charges”. The suspension of time charges as noted in this memo will not be needed if the intent of the project is for the contractor to construct the bridge or bridge culvert only and the county is to perform all of the remaining items of work. These requests will have the same signature page as required in the design safety report to include an approval by the chief engineer. All submittals of plans for review by the Construction Bureau that require time suspensions must include a recommended number of calendar days for the project time to be suspended. This calendar day suspension time will be subject to review and revision by construction bureau personnel.

29 Early Award & Delayed Start Requests
An early award or delayed start request for a project can be granted in special or unusual circumstances. A written request to the region will be required stating the reason for the request and will require the approval of the Region and Innovative Programs Bureau. If a delayed start is being requested, a date that time charges for the project to begin must be noted. An early award or delayed start request should be submitted prior to or with the Construction Bureau submittal to insure that all required special provisions can be noted and included in the proposal.

30 Bridge Width – 24’ vs. 28’ For the ATRIP program, we are reviewing each project on a case-by-case basis. (Design Speed, Traffic, Required Lane Width & Shoulder Width, Safety, etc.) The Bridge Bureau has standards for both a 24’ AASHTO bridge along with a 24’ Precast bridge. Early coordination and constant communication with your respective Region/Area office is key Procedural Guidelines for County Projects:

31 Bridge Design Review Submittals
TS&L Submittals The TS&L submittals should be sent to your Area office. The Area office will then send it up to Innovative Programs for our review. After our office approves the alignment, we send it to Bridge Bureau. Bridge Design Review Submittals The Bridge Design Review submittals (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) should be sent directly to the bridge bureau. The bridge designer will be communicating directly with Bridge Bureau Personnel. Our office does not need to see these design submittals.

32 Utilities Vertical Clearance for Overhead Electric Lines on Bridge and Culvert replacement projects. Conflicts with Contractor Equipment (Mainly Cranes). Utility Certificate How long will the relocation take? When will it be complete? Who will be performing the relocation?

33 E-Mail:
Contact Information Barrett Dees, P.E., A.M.ASCE Innovative Programs Office: Cell:

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