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Chapter 8: Unification of China

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1 Chapter 8: Unification of China
AP World History – Mr. Mims

2 Who was known as the great Chinese Historian?
Sima Qian

3 What are the collection of Confucian sayings and teachings known as?

4 From where did Confucius believe that political and social harmony come?

5 What were the Confucian "superior individuals" who took an active role in public affairs known as?

6 The Chinese concept of filial piety, which was central to the family structure, was expressed by what word?

7 When discussing qualities that were essential to good character, Confucius used what term to mean an attitude of kindness or a sense of humanity? 

8 Be familiar with the terms and meaning:

9 What became the core texts of traditional Chinese education?
Literary works of Zhou period

10 Who was the most learned man of the Period of the Warring States, who served as the chief spokesman for Confucius's philosophy?

11 At the heart of whose philosophy was human nature essentially good?

12 Who was the Chinese philosopher who proposed that strong social discipline was the best means of bringing society into order?

13 What was the philosophy that criticized social activism and, instead, proposed a life of reflection and introspection?

14 According to tradition, who is the founder of Daoism?

15 Chinese philosophers often spoke of which term, which means "the way.“?

16 What is the most important text of Daoism?

17 Daoist thinkers spoke of wuwei. What is wuwei?

18 What was the philosophical thought that returned order to China after the Period of Warring States?

19 Through what method(s) did Shang Yang and Han Feizi hope to control China’s subjects?

20 What group established the principle of collective responsibility before the law?

21 What Book helped develop the doctrine of Legalism?

22 Who first declared himself emperor of a unified China?

23 How did Shang Yang weaken the economic position of the hereditary aristocratic classes in order to strengthen the Qin state?

24 Which emperor was notorious for his hatred of Confucianism and known for burning such books?

25 What emperor standardized the Chinese script during his reign?

26 Over 15,000 of these were unearthed near the tomb of Qin Shihuangdi…

27 Who was the founder of the Han Dynasty?

28 What marks the dividing line between the Former Han and the Later Han?

29 What was the philosophy of Han rule?

30 The greatest and most dynamic Han emperor known for imperial expansion was ____________

31 Who was the emperor who started an imperial institute for higher learning?

32 What group of people was the greatest military threat to Han Dynasty?

33 Who was Modu?

34 What was ‘Lessons/Admonitions for Women’?

35 Who is known as the ‘socialist emperor’?

36 What was the Yellow Turban uprising?
The Yellow Turban Rebellion (184–c. 204 ce), contributed to the fall of the Han dynasty (206 bce–220 ce). Led by Zhang Jue, a Daoist faith healer who had gained numerous adherents during a widespread pestilence, the rebellion was directed against the tyrannical eunuchs who dominated the emperor. The rebels wore yellow headdresses to signify their association with the “earth” element, which they believed would succeed the red “fire” element that represented Han rule. To suppress the uprising, which erupted in eastern and central China, the Han conscripted huge armies at great cost, but their efforts were hampered by inefficiency and corruption in the imperial government. Zhang Jue became ill and died in 184 ce, but the rebellion was a continuing menace to the government for two more decades.

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