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J’s Excel 4 Pie Charts.

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Presentation on theme: "J’s Excel 4 Pie Charts."— Presentation transcript:

1 J’s Excel 4 Pie Charts

2 Topics Pie Charts Freeze panes Viewing large charts : split Sorting
Subtotal rows Pivot tables

3 Adding a Pie Chart to a Worksheet
From Teacher’s Docs, open Levitt.xlsx Go to Estimated Production tab Select data series B6:B11 (labels) and I6:I11 (values) nto graph; use Ctrl to select more than one range. In Insert tab, select Charts | Pie Chart |3D pie chart This puts chart in current worksheet.

4 Moving Pie Chart To move pie chart, click anywhere in chart area
To move within current worksheet by dragging Click on chart, move mouse to edge till cursor becomes 4-headed arrow Drag to new location: practice moving upper left corner to A14 Can select to move to new worksheet or to new location on current sheet Select chart area. Right-click in chart area. Select Move Chart from context menu Select New sheet (can name new sheet—call it Year 7 Chart) Also can move to another sheet from “Object in” using drop-down menu)

5 Formatting the Chart Three items explain the chart
Chart Title Data Labels Legend Can edit and format each of them Chart also has sections: Chart Area, surrounding Plot Area (the pie). The pie is divided into Data Points, which together form the Data Series. Each of these can be formatted separately. Click on Chart Area and 3 symbols appear at upper right. The plus sign allows selection and editing of chart elements Chart Title Data Labels Legend

6 Format Options Selecting item from + menu or right-clicking on a chart component opens a Format pane on the right. That pane has two or three tabs, depending on the item selected Paint bucket allows filling with color or adding borders Pentagon allows adding shadow, glow, soft edges, 3D rotation Third differs depending on context. For Chart Title, third allows sizing and positioning the title For Data Series, Bar chart allows setting angle and pie explosion For Data Point, Bar chart allows setting angle and point explosion

7 Formatting the Chart Title
To remove Chart Title: Click Plus sign, uncheck Chart Title Also can choose location or More Options to format. To change text: Click title to select. Triple click, click to left, or drag through to replace text. Type “Year 7 Production”. Click elsewhere. To format text: +, Chart Title, More Options, or right click title. Can format Title, Chart Area, Plot Area, Legend, all from this spot.

8 Formatting Arrow after Title Options lets you choose what item to format. Text options lets you choose color and fill of text. To change actual text size or content, select text and right click or use mini-toolbar.

9 Formatting Data Labels
+ sign, second item: check Data Labels. This allows you to select where they go (inside, outside, best, center, end, callout) and also what data to print on the slices. More options lets you decide what to include and how to separate the items Selecting data labels puts the cell value in the label. Label options lets you include, series name, category name, value, percentage, legend key. Add Category and percentage. Also can choose how to separate items: newline, semicolon, comma, period, space. Select newline. Can also select number format, or link to cells—do what’s in worksheet

10 Chart Styles and Colors
Paintbrush allows choosing Chart Styles: different backgrounds, etc. Scroll through. These are big overall changes, like Word or Excel styles Can change components individually: Format Data Points (see later), can change each slice to a different color, Format Plot Area can change background, etc. Format Chart Area

11 3D Rotation Right-click in Chart Area or Plot Area and select 3D rotation from menu Can also select Format Chart Area, bar graph, then 3D rotation Select which item to rotate to the front Use X-rotation. Click arrow to move angle up or down, or type it in

12 Pie or Point Explosion Can format data series so all slices explode
Click on pie and Format Data Series opens Or right-click on pie and select Format Data Series from menu Select Bar Graph icon and then Pie Explosion and use slider to choose amount Can format data point so ONE slice is exploded Double-click on selected slice and Format Data Point opens Or after double-clicking, right-click on pie allows select Format Data Point from menu Select Bar Graph icon and then Point Explosion and use slider to choose amount

13 Sorting Sorting means putting items in order, most typically numerically or alphabetically You can sort all or part of an Excel worksheet You can sort one column or a group of related columns You can sort on one field or on multiple fields Open January worksheet from Teacher’s Docs

14 New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2013
Sorting Data The records in an Excel worksheet initially appear in the order they were entered; you can view the same records in a different order Ascending order arranges text alphabetically from A to Z, numbers from smallest to largest, and dates from oldest to newest Descending order arranges text in reverse alphabetical order from Z to A, numbers from largest to smallest, and dates from newest to oldest New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2013

15 Sorting Worksheet Columns
The book talks about sorting tables, but I have skipped the part on tables. You can sort columns in ANY worksheet, so just ignore the Table talk. Use the sort buttons in the Data menu New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2013

16 Sorting One Column Using the Sort Buttons
Use the Sort A to Z button or the Sort Z to A button s to sort data quickly with one sort field New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2013

17 New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2013
Sorting Try to sort a single column: choose column E in January workbook to sort by amount. Since other columns are tied to this, Excel warns you and makes sure you don’t ignore related columns by accident. The related columns are “carried along” with the sorted column; they are sorted with it. To sort by multiple fields, use the Sort icon : sort by Day, then Segment, then Amount. New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2013

18 Sorting Multiple Columns Using the Sort Dialog Box
The first sort field is called the primary sort field The second sort is called the secondary sort field Up to 64 sort fields possible New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2013

19 New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2013
Sorting Data New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2013

20 Sorting Using a Custom List
A custom list indicates sequence to order data Two predefined custom sort lists Day-of-the-week custom list Month-of-the-year custom lists Can create a custom list to sort records in a sequence you define: For example, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior: not alphabetical!

21 New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2013
Sorting Data New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2013

22 Freezing Rows and Columns
Freezing a row or column keeps headings visible as you work with data in a large worksheet New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2013

23 Freezing and Unfreezing
Put mouse in cell A2 From View menu select Freeze Panes, then Freeze Top Row. Scroll to see that we can read top row all the way down. To Unfreeze, View, Freeze Panes, Unfreeze To freeze first row and first column, select B2. Can freeze anything to left or above selection. New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2013

24 Splitting the Worksheet Window into Panes
Easily view data from several areas of the worksheet at the same time New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2013

25 Splitting Window into Panes
Allows viewing top and bottom, left and right, of a large worksheet at the same time. Click in a cell (I chose C58). From View menu, choose Split Creates 4 panes with selected cell at top left of lower right pane.

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