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Women and Children of the Samurai.

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1 Women and Children of the Samurai.
Mike Childs, Theresa Gibson, Laura Ross, Louisa Gibson.

2 Religions, Codes, and Philosophies.
The Samurai lived lives based on Confucianism, they were Buddhists. Zen Meditation was an important part of their daily lives. Samurai women were called okugatasama or one who remains in the home. Traits valued in women of the Samurai class were humility, obedience, self-control, strength, and loyalty.

3 Ideally, a Samurai wife would be skilled at:
Managing property Keeping records Dealing with financial matters Educating the children Caring for other family in the same household

4 Samurai Family Class VS. Japanese Social Class
The Samurai were mostly made up of middle class people after being considered high class. Most families of the Samurai didn’t suffer and were able to live comfortable lives. Japanese families however stretched in a broad range from being high class to a low poverty ridden state.

5 Taka and her family

6 The Daily Life of Taka From: The Last Samurai
In the Last Samurai the expectations of women in the Samurai social class, were clearly present. It is the women’s job to take care of the children and the house. Food must be prepared and made for the entire family. The women must also be sure to serve her husband, and do as told.

7 Taka (Cont.) Taka was an accurate representation of a woman from a Samurai class. In the movie, The Last Samurai, Taka shows many traits of a woman’s position in society of a Samurai village through: Cleaning the home Cooking for family and guests Doing chores (getting water, tending crops)

8 Aspects of Japanese Culture
Women were inferior to basically every man. There were many opinions on westernizing and how to apply it to their culture. The rebellion of the Samurai was clearly displayed through revolts and battles.

9 Family Life in The Last Samurai
The women did all of the house work and took care of the family.

10 Where do the Samurai Live?
Although the popular movie, The Last Samurai, gave most the impression that Samurai lived high up in the mountains like Katsumoto, this is not true. Most Samurai lived in cities and towns where they traded in their warrior status, and many became involved in politics.

11 SAMURAI: Were Portrayed as… But Really…

12 Captain Algren In the movie, The Last Samurai, Captain Nathan Algren is captured by Samurais and taken to there village. In real life the Samurai village would not have been as accepting of Captain Algren. This is due to the Samurais little amount of tolerance towards other people who were not Samurais.

13 Captain Algren (Cont.) At the end of, The Last Samurai, viewers are left with the question of whether Taka and Nathan build a relationship or just have a fling. Based off of hints by the movie, Taka and Nathan most likely ended up together and stayed in the village.


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