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Training and Career Development

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1 Training and Career Development
Brian Ortega, Michelle Wong, Christina Mansour

2 By: T. Brad Harris ET AL. Personnel Psychology 2014
Getting what’s new from newcomers: empowering leadership, creativity, and adjustment in the socialization content By: T. Brad Harris ET AL. Personnel Psychology 2014

3 Key Terms Newcomer/Newcomer Creativity Empowering leadership (EL)
Perceived organizational support for creativity (POSC)

4 Goal Examine the relationship between Empowering Leadership and Newcomer Creativity Examine how POSC will moderate the relationship between empowering leadership and newcomer creativity

5 Conceptual Model of Newcomer Creativity

6 The Study Hypothesis 1- Empowering leadership will positively predict newcomer creativity Hypothesis 2- Perceived organizational support for creativity will moderate the relationship between empowering leadership and newcomer creativity such that the relationship will be stronger when perceived organizational support for creativity is higher rather than lower.

7 The Study Cont. 200 randomly selected newcomers with fewer than 6 months job tenure 4 Weeks Later ask Managers to evaluate newcomers 151 Usable samples (Over 75% response Rate) Controlled variables- newcomers’ age, gender, education, and organizational tenure

8 POSC as a Moderator of the Empowering Leadership–Newcomer Creativity Relationship

9 Take Home Message Supervisory encouragement- Remove fear of Failure
Reward Creativity Innovation Teams Interactive Workplace

10 By D. Scott DeRue and Ned Wellman Journal of Applied Psychology 2009
Developing Leaders via Experience: The Role of Developmental Challenge, Learning Orientation, and Feedback Availability By D. Scott DeRue and Ned Wellman Journal of Applied Psychology 2009 Michelle Wong

11 Key-Term Leadership Developmental Learning Orientation Feedback
Leader Behavior Leadership Development - expands the capacity of individuals to perform in leadership roles within organizations, it is also a key to business success. Learning Orientation - describe an individual's disposition to approach, manage, and achieve learning intentionally and differently from others. Feedback - helpful information or criticism that is given to someone to say what can be done to improve a performance Leader Behavior - is the best predictor of his leadership influences and as a result, is the best determinant of his or her leadership success.

12 Goal Develop a model of leadership development
Developmental work experiences, Individuals’ learning orientation, and Feedback

13 Hypothesis 1 The relationship between developmental challenge and leadership skill development will exhibit a predominantly positive, concave downward curve, such that developmental challenge will positively impact leadership skill development to some point and then begin to exhibit decreasing, diminishing returns.

14 Hypothesis 2 Learning orientation will moderate the curvilinear relationship between developmental challenge and leadership skill development, such that the diminishing returns pattern will be weaker for learning-oriented individuals and stronger for individuals low in learning orientation.

15 Hypothesis 3 Feedback will moderate the curvilinear relationship between developmental challenge and leadership skill development, such as that the diminishing returns pattern will be weaker for individuals with greater feedback availability and stronger for individuals with less feedback availability.

16 Method 99 middle- and senior-level managers
This research was conducted in four distinct phases and utilized both survey and interview methods. Interview was to gather examples and rich descriptions of specific on-the-job experiences.

17 Result All factors from developmental challenge are positive and significant. Together all these results offer evidence in support of developmental challenge as a single higher order construct based on the five developmental challenge characteristics. As you can see that there are two factors that are significantly higher than the others, meaning that

18 cont.

19 Take Home Message Hire professionals to teach leaders to encourage employees Provide feedback report monthly Ask for Feedback From Others Hire professional to teach leaders how encourage employees to learn their failures ← encourage employees to attribute their failures to effort or strategy instead of ability Provide feedback report monthly ← can let employees know what they do best and what they need to improve, but managers need to be aware of the tone they use in the report Ask for feedback from others ← when managers asked employees feedback of how he/she doing, don’t nervous to speak up

20 Opportunity, fair process and relationship value:career development as a driver of proactive work behaviour By:Jonathan R. Crawshaw,Rolf van Dick,Felix, C.Brodbeck Human Resource Management 2012

21 Key Terms Careerist-Orientated Proactive Behaviour Procedural Justice

22 Goal Make sure that all career development opportunities within the organization are accessible to all employees Give employees regular feedback on their career developments paths and give them the opportunities to know where they stand and what they need to do to continue growth within the company.

23 Slope analysis with Proactive Behaviour

24 The Study Hypothesis 1: When employees view their career development opportunities unfavourably(rather than favourably), perceptions of procedural justice will be strongly and positively related to proactive behaviour, but only when organisational commitment is high. Hypothesis 2: When employees view their career development opportunities unfavourably(rather than favourably), perceptions of procedural justice will be strongly and negatively related to careerist orientation, but only when organisational commitment is high.

25 Take Home Message Establish trust-implement Orientation program
Career learning opportunites , internal or external education Benefits over wages

26 Training/Career Development Group Take Home
SMART Measure Goals- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound Constant Feedback Loop Encourage Risk Taking

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