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The Suvanto Help-line (+358) 0800–06776

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Presentation on theme: "The Suvanto Help-line (+358) 0800–06776"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Suvanto Help-line (+358) 0800–06776
Ikääntyneisiin kohdistuva lähisuhdeväkivalta ja kaltoinkohtelu 2013 The Suvanto Help-line (+358) 0800–06776 National phone help-line For elderly people in Finland Fighting against: Violence, abuse and mistreatment Free of charge © Turvallisen vanhuuden puolesta - SUVANTO RY © Turvallisen vanhuuden puolesta - Suvanto ry

2 Ikääntyneisiin kohdistuva lähisuhdeväkivalta ja kaltoinkohtelu
2013 The Suvanto Help-line Project Established and run by The Suvanto – For A Safe Old Age Association Suvanto increases public awareness of elder abuse and prevents abuse and domestic violence against the elderly. It also helps and empowers elderly people who live under the threat of neglect, abuse or domestic violence. The starting point of the project (From September 2011 till the end of 2012.) In the beginning it was professionals and the immediate circle of the elderly who asked for advice – nowadays the elderly people themselves call. What is special The combination: The Suvanto Help-line has expertise in questions of ageing, violence, mistreatment and abuse. The project is now a regular service provided by the Suvanto Association. © Turvallisen vanhuuden puolesta - SUVANTO RY © Turvallisen vanhuuden puolesta - Suvanto ry

3 Who calls The elderly themselves, people over 65 years old (mostly those over 75) People from the immediate circle of the elderly, for instance grown-up children Professionals (home care, health care, social workers, students) working with the elderly are encouraged to call Before the Suvanto help-line project ( ) most of the callers were the people from the immediate circle of elderly people as well as formal carers

4 What are the problems All kinds of violence
Bullying, threatening, physical violence, harassment, mistreatment, abuse etc. Common: different forms of economical abuse Often perpetrated by grown-up children Mistreatment in institutional settings and by health care organisations Special questions at older age Dependency of others, loss in cognitive abilities (e.g. memory) Poor physical condition, depression and weak financial situation are risk factors for experiencing violence

5 What kind of help Help by supportive discussions - In situations where an elderly person is being abused, mistreated, experiences violence or feels threatened. - A person can call even when there are not enough words to describe what he/she has gone through. Listening and supporting the caller, helping in constructing the problematic situation Providing information, guidance and support to prevent the escalation of situations Guiding and referring to suitable services (other services at Suvanto and services all around Finland) Possibility to draft a safety plan in cooperation with the caller

6 The operation of the Help-line
The phone service is open for 8-10 hours a week The Help-line for 8 hours every week and legal help by a lawyer for 2 hours twice a month (added after the pilot project) Cooperation between professionals working at the Suvanto Association and Suvanto’s trained volunteers Both the professionals and the volunteers answer the help-line Volunteers receive training and supervision for their task Special information of ageing, elderly care, violence, abuse and mistreatment is given Psychological supervision of work is available - Employees of the Suvanto Association help the volunteers by discussions - Professional psychological supervision

7 Effects Prior to setting up the Help-line the Suvanto Association received about calls yearly. Before the project, the caller was charged for the call. Increased awareness of Suvanto line has brought increase in calls During 2015 the Suvanto Help-line received 157 calls during the service hours out of which 101 calls were made by elderly people. In 2016 from January till the end of November: altogether over 220 calls. The increase after the pilot project was 30 % in the first year. The amount of calls is still increasing. The elderly callers have been reached. During the pilot project most of the callers were over 65 years old and now they are usually over 75. Raising awareness about the Help-line requires still more attention and resources. The needs of the callers were (during the pilot project) and are mostly met Feedback is asked at the end of each call The long-term effectiveness is more difficult to measure – people call only once. Suvanto offers also professionally guided peer support groups and one-on-one support. People who have taken part in these services have become empowered.

8 Replication in other countries
The growing number of elderly populations in Europe A help-line is easy to set up The phone-line for the elderly gives access to easily reachable help The pilot project received € from the Ministry of Justice (for 16 months). Now the yearly costs are about €. The funding comes from Finland's Slot Machine Association RAY. Important: Calling is free of charge – important for the elderly Calling is anonymous – easier to make a call The sensitive nature of violence as a phenomenon - Victim often feels shame about what has happened even though it is not his/her fault. The perpetrator is responsible of his/her actions.

9 Video
25 % of the elderly have a reason to be afraid of their loved ones (Situation in Finland)

10 You are welcome to ask for more info
SUVANTO – For A Safe Old Age Association Executive Director Presenter today

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