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Julie McLaughlin Diane Stump

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Presentation on theme: "Julie McLaughlin Diane Stump"— Presentation transcript:

1 Julie McLaughlin Diane Stump
The Evolution of FYE Instructor Training at a Community College FYE National Conference 2011 Julie McLaughlin Diane Stump

2 FYE HISTORY Graduation requirement
Started with one credit hour (added two and three credit options later) Went from list of topics to mandatory instructor training Required Blackboard component

3 FYE HISTORY Standardized evaluations for all instructors and courses (Survey Monkey) Master course template Certification of teachers Author in residence

4 Advisory Committee Role Buy in from campus community Selection process Continuous quality improvement Structure your workplace to maximize your employees creative potential.

5 Standardized Syllabus
Polices Course schedule Assignments and grading Delegate, and follow-up. You must let your team work.

6 Course Data (see handouts)
Retention of students Course satisfaction

7 Training History Mediocre people take more time to manage.
List of topics Instructor training for new teachers Anytime book changes Instructor training for all teachers separated by course Two trainings: general session and specific course training Training binder Certification Mediocre people take more time to manage.

8 Who Are Our Teachers? Faculty Administrators Staff Adjunct faculty
Exceptions to the rule

9 Recruiting Teachers Campus wide communications Divisional meetings Presentations on campus One-on-One conversations Recommendations from other FYE teachers Two types of meetings: Informational (everyone on the team), and solving problems (only directly affected)

10 Criteria For Teaching FYE
A letter of interest, resume and two letters of recommendation from other professionals (one should be a supervisor) A college degree Previous teaching experience (if no evidence of teaching experience, the applicant must agree to shadow an approved instructor for a term) All applicable training sessions Blackboard training or a competency test out is MANDATORY You don’t have to win every battle. Competitive personalities are necessary as long as they are “win at all costs”

11 Why Is Training FYE Instructors Important?
Philosophy Communication Consistency

12 Recent Training Data Training Satisfaction (see handout)
Comments from Instructors

13 What Was The Most Useful Part of the FYE Instructor Training for You?
To know that the FYE course(s) are structured in a standardized manner for consistency in teaching and learning outcomes and that the course(s) and materials have been already developed and ready to use. The straightforwardness of the presenters about their expectations of FYE instructors. The syllabus format and its no nonsense wording.

14 What Was The Most Useful Part of the FYE Instructor Training for You?
The information for additional ideas in helping to keep the assignments interesting and the way in which the trainers taught their classes helps immensely. I felt that the training opened my eyes to the need of the class for the students that attend our school.

15 Do You Have Additional Comments Concerning Today’s Training?
The training session was excellent - the trainers allowed for questions throughout the presentation, then enabled us to have our thoughts clarified immediately - we did not have to wait until the end of the session to ask questions. Thanks! Even though I have taught this course for several years I value the opportunity to be updated and love the idea of certification.

16 Do You Have Additional Comments Concerning Today’s Training?
No-you both did an outstanding job. If all the courses that we offered at the college with that level of training / manuals for our adjuncts were provided, our quality would be outstanding! I really like how you team teach this presentation. Great job!

17 Do You Have Additional Comments Concerning Today’s Training?
Julie and Diane were amazing. Really care about the class and it shows. Great training. Looking forward to using the new ideas/activities in class.

18 General Training Ice Breaker History of the program Data
Overview of standardized syllabus Technology CSTATE Modules Components common to all three FYE courses

19 General Training Expectations of FYE instructors
Consequences for not meeting expectations What can / cannot be changed Future of FYE Recruitment of new instructors Contact info for questions Evaluations

20 Specific Course Training
Ice breaker Topics and assignments to be covered each week Suggested activities Evaluations

21 Activities That Can Be Used In Training
Priorities with balloons Status game Oreo cookies Write your name with non-dominant hand Chaos toss Personal responsibility music STD handshake I like but I don’t like … Many more

22 Handouts Used End of term checklist FYE reflections paper
Netiquette Assignment 5s List Diversity Paper Objectivity Exam

23 Handouts Used Catalog Suggestions College Worksheet
Critical Thinking Puzzles Final Presentation and Grading Rubric

24 Training Does Not End After Certification
Follow up Continuous training sessions Classroom observations

25 What’s Next? In service day Forums Class for instructors Remediation
Mentors / mentees

26 Thank You & Questions

27 Contact Information Julie McLaughlin Diane Stump 3520 Central Parkway Central Parkway Cincinnati, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio (513) (513)

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