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Turning Research into a Video Project.

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1 Turning Research into a Video Project.
Point/CounterPoint Turning Research into a Video Project. Liz Kolb, University of Michigan, former high school teacher and technology coordinator

2 The Idea Research “Point/Counterpoint” on a controversial Issue in technology education. Present research findings in multimedia format with a presentation. This includes Video,Images, Narration, and Sounds… 20/20 or Dateline format. Do a final presentation of the video and lead a discussion on the topic.

3 The Assignment

4 Step 1: Legal Issues Fair Use and Copyright with Multimedia and Internet. Quiz with Quizstar Copyright Chart How to ask for permission Authoritative Resources

5 Step 2: Research Possible Ideas
List of possible ideas with one resource to get them started. Used and to Brainstorm and document the process.

6 Sample Blog Entries

7 Step 3: Write a Pitch

8 Step 4: Background Research
Gave the students 4 or 5 authoritative resources to start from.

9 Step 5: Storyboard

10 Script

11 Step 6: Filming/Gathering Media
Before Filming: Short filming activity to help students get to know video process before starting project. Filming begins after the pitch, storyboard, and script are all completed. Media (pictures, sounds, music…etc) is also gathered and stored.

12 Step 7: Editing Process Used iMovie to edit the films.
Created my own How-To tutorials. As editing occurs more editing and material gathering will probably be necessary.

13 Step 9: Export to DVD When students complete their movies they exported them from iMovie to iDVD. Created my own tutorial for transitioning from iMovie to iDVD.

14 Step 10: Presentation 10-15 minute presentation with a 5 minute discussion Online Surveycompleted immediately after presentation

15 Evaluation Used PBL Checklist Used Rubistar

16 Sample Project Paperless Classroom

17 Lesson’s Learned Teach the students “how to” use the editing tools and filming equipment BEFORE they decide on a topic. Plan, Plan, Plan BEFORE filming. You can never have enough storyboards, scripts, pitches…etc. Storyboards will change as movie’s progress. Use beginning storyboard as a way to evaluate the “process” used to complete the final product. Blogs are extremely helpful not only to evaluate the student’s progress, but also to evaluate my own teaching.

18 Links Presentation Checklist
Free online Quizzes Free online Surveys Rubrics Online Journaling for project Media Files Sound Effects Royalty Free Music

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