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Jeopardy! Begin.

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1 Jeopardy! Begin

2 VIPs Ancient Ideas Words Enlightenment Ideas This N’ That $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

3 VIPs - $100 Greek philosopher who believed that man was a political animal.

4 VIPs - $200 Another name for those that follow the Jewish faith
C2-$200 Hebrews

5 VIPs - $300 These were the first two ancient civilizations to contribute to the development of democracy C2-$300 Greco-Romans

6 VIPs - $400 Religious groups that followed the Greco-Romans and further developed democracy C2-$400 Judeo-Christians

7 VIPs - $500 This Greek philosopher believed that a philosopher-king should rule, he also wrote the Republic. C2-$500 Plato

8 Ancient Ideas - $100 This was the basis of natural law, according to Ancient Greeks and Romans.

9 Ancient Ideas - $200 According to Ancient Greeks, tyranny was a problem because tyrants share power with… C3-$200 No one

10 Ancient Ideas - $300 The use of thought and reason has been the most significant legacy of the …
Ancient Greeks

11 Ancient Ideas- $400 Ancient Rome’s greatest contribution to democracy was the establishment of the ______ of ____ and _____. C3-$400 rule of law & justice

12 Ancient Ideas - $500 They contributed to democracy by developing a republic, creating a written legal code & and treating individuals as citizens and not subjects. C3-$500 Ancient Romans

13 Words - $100 A political system in which citizens rule through representatives.

14 Words - $200 This form of government is based on the idea that people can govern themselves C3-200 democracy

15 Words - $300 In this form of government, citizens actually rule.
direct democracy

16 Words - $400 This type of government is often ruled by a person who claims divine right.

17 Words - $500 Social status is the biggest factor in this form of government C3-$500 aristocracy

18 Enlightenment Ideas- $100
The philosophers during the 1700s held this basic belief about society C4-$100 It would continue to progress

19 Enlightenment Ideas- - $200
This enlightenment philosopher’s ideas about branches of government can be found in the U.S. Constitution C4-$200 Montesquieu

20 Enlightenment Ideas- - $300
Thomas Jefferson wrote this important document of freedom C4-$300 The Declaration of Independence

21 Enlightenment Ideas- - $300
These enlightenment thinkers had a major influence on the Bill of Rights (Hint: there are 3) C4-$400 Voltaire, Locke, Rousseau

22 The English Bill of Rights
Enlightenment Ideas- $500 This document made clear the limits of royal power C4-$500 The English Bill of Rights

23 This N’ That - $100 What two Ancient cultures are considered the founders of democracy

24 This N’ That - $200 Athens is located in this country

25 This N’ That - $300 This is the Hebrew code focus’ on morality and ethics
The Ten Commandments

26 This N’ That - $400 By the end of the 1600s this country had established a constitutional monarchy C4-$400 England

27 This N’ That - $500 This act was protested by American Colonists as “taxation without representation” C4-$500 Stamp Act

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