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IF 3280 Socio-Informatika & Profesionalisme: KONTEKS SOSIAL

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Presentation on theme: "IF 3280 Socio-Informatika & Profesionalisme: KONTEKS SOSIAL"— Presentation transcript:

1 IF 3280 Socio-Informatika & Profesionalisme: KONTEKS SOSIAL
Semester II 2014/2015 K1: Dr.Ir. Munawar Ahmad ZA K2: Ir. Dwi Hendratmo W, MSc, Ph.D K3: Dr. Ayu Purwarianti K4: Ir. Windy Gambetta Sekolah Teknik Elektro & Informatika

2 IF 3280 Socio-Informatika dan Profesionalisme
Topik Hari Ini Growth and control of the internet Digital divide, differences in access to digital technology resources and its resulting ramifications for gender, class, ethnicity, geography, underdeveloped countries Accessibility issues Context aware computing IF 3280 Socio-Informatika dan Profesionalisme

3 Growth and Control of The Internet
1981 : Lahir protokol komunikasi TCP/IP 1991 : www diperkenalkan ke publik IF 3280 Socio-Informatika dan Profesionalisme

4 Research: Growth of, and Access to the Internet

5 Research: Growth of, and Access to the Internet
Issues with Internet Access Low-Bandwidth and Low-Connectivity Stats In 1998, the country of Ethiopia had a 256Kbps connection to the rest of the Internet. In 2000, India had a total international bandwidth of 350 Mbps for 1 billion people. Eight Arab countries (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco, Oman, Syria, and the UAE) have, combined, the same bandwidth as 518 cable modem subscribers in the U.S.

6 Research: Growth of, and Access to the Internet
Issues with Internet Access ISP Charges For example, “one ISP in Ghana is faced with the fact that Internet bandwidth that would cost less than $1,000 in the US must be beamed to Ghana through a satellite link to Canada, at about $40,000 a month.” Often economically unfeasible

7 Research: Gender Related Issues
Growing concern of a gender divide The following based on British population It is recognized that males dominate the use of technologies in all areas of society. Fewer girls are taking up Computing at an advanced level, and universities are experiencing a continued lack of interest in applications by women to computing degrees. In 1996, 19% of computer science students we were reported to be female. Today, only 21% of computing graduates in the UK are women. Barely an increase

8 Research: Gender Related Issues

9 Control of the Internet
Originally developed for military and then academic use. It was a closed network, so an ethical debate was not present. With the sudden growth of the Internet, ethical issues are becoming prevalent. Who should be held responsible? Governments, ISP’s, operators of services, along with end-users. However, much work still needs to be done.

10 Ethical Debates Regarding Control
Protection of minors. Protection/privacy of the individual. Respect for cultural differences. Finding a balance between freedom of expression versus censorship. Value and accuracy of the information provided.

11 Access to the Internet Internet originally developed for the intellectual. Access to the Internet should be universal, regardless of income or disability. As the Internet continues to expand, more ethical debates will arise. Acceptable Use Policies are put in place in many institutions. Access to the Internet is a privilege that carries many responsibilities.


13 Context-Aware Mobile Computing
Applications that can detect their user’s situations and adapt to their behaviors accordingly. A software that adapts according to it’s context! Present services and information to a user Examples: The time of day and restaurants near the user Automatically execute a service for a user Example: A phone automatically setting a weekly alarm for the user Tag information to retrieve at a later time Example: Phone keeps track of recent calls

14 Examples Smartphone adjusts the screen to the orientation of the device Orientation is determined by using both a gyroscope and an accelerometer. An accelerometer is a device that is accurate in the long term, but wrong in the short term (tend to lag) A gyrometer is accurate in the short term but drifting can occur in the long term When both are used together, accuracy is achieved.

15 Examples Phone display adjusts the brightness of the display based on the surrounding area Uses a light sensor Device uses GPS to display the user’s location Can use to find nearby stores Get directions Status updates on Facebook!

16 Examples The time is displayed on the phone. Time zone change
Daylight savings time

17 Examples Device disables touch screen when the user speaks on the phone How? A proximity sensor! Uses infrared rays to send a signal out. The time it takes to be reflected back is measured and from this, proximity can be detected.

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