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Also known as heterotropia

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1 Also known as heterotropia
Squint or strabismus Also known as heterotropia

2 It is an ocular misalignment that results from an imbalance in the extraocular muscles functioning which results in deviation of one or both eye abnormally.


4 Directions Two types Phoria – tendency for the eye to turn when disturbances in binocularity Tropia – condition of full time eye misdirection Esotropia – turning in Exotropia – turning out Hypertropia – turning up Hypotropia - turning down


6 Etiology Usually associated with childhood
Weak extra ocular muscles – unknown reasons Adults will have after an injury, brain tumor, head trauma, stroke, retinal detachment repair An estimated 2% to 3% of the general population have some degree of strabismus

7 Pathophysiology The six muscles that attach to each eye move the eyes and align them with each other When these muscles do not work in a co-ordinated fashion due to causes like weakness in muscles or unknown causes Loss of alignment strabismus

8 Management Diagnosed by physical examination Cover testing
corneal light reflex (Hirschberg test)

9 Cover test Patient focus on a near object
A cover is placed over an eye for a short period then removed while observing both eyes for movement Lazy eye will deviate inwards or outwards

10 Management Glasses with prisms (A prism is a clear, wedge-shaped lens that bends, or refracts, light rays) can realign the eyes and restore binocular vision Patching the good eye to strengthen the poorer seeing eye is the initial treatment of choice Eye exercises to strengthen the weak muscles – not proved but still trying


12 Surgical correction is the standard treatment
Surgery conducted as an outpatient procedure Local or general anesthesia

13 The extra ocular muscles are selectively weakened (recession), tightened (resection), or physically shifted (transposition) to achieve balanced eye movement Adjustable sutures is used to achieve more accurate alignment

14 Drug therapy Botulinum neurotoxin A (botox)
It can injected into the extraocular muscle and interfere with the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction The toxin appears to strengthen the antagonist muscle and weaken the injected muscle

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