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Unseen Poetry: Monkey God by Eileen Chong

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1 Unseen Poetry: Monkey God by Eileen Chong
Secondary 4 Literature Preliminary Examinations Paper 1 Novel and Unseen

2 Do you remember watching a performance as a child that left a very strong impression on you?

3 Share your stories 

4 In Singapore: Chinese Funeral Procession

5 In Singapore: Thaipusam

6 In Singapore: Malay Wedding Procession

7 In Singapore: Kuda Kepang

8 In Singapore: Getai

9 Fun Fact: Rosyton Tan’s film 881

10 Japanese Kabuki, Chinese Opera, Wayang Kulit

11 Of course, there is also the darker side of possession…
Beware, scary posters ahead!

12 Of course, there is also the darker side of possession…

13 Will Singaporean customs and traditions possibly be featured in the texts selected for the O Levels?
2008 Paper 1 Arthur Yap’s the coffee house, cockpit hotel About a Chinese bride waiting for the wedding ceremony to take place. 20 Paper Those Layered Cakes About the delicious ‘kek lapis’, a Malay/Peranakan cake.

14 Do you remember… Night of the Scorpion by Nissim Ezekiel How the villagers were chanting and praying over the mother as her son watched, distressed and frustrated as his mother lay writhing in pain…

15 Possible Themes Just like in the poem Night of the Scorpion, there seems to be a clash between the beliefs and attitudes of the ‘modern’, younger generation and the older generation.

16 Possible Themes Superstitious behavior or sacred ritual? Thread carefully…one man’s idea of superstition is another man’s fervent belief…

17 Possible Themes In this poem, the child’s curiosity surpasses any fear she may feel, despite her grandmother’s warnings. We may reflect on the innocence of children, infused with a sense of wonder when they experience something new, unlike more jaded adults.

18 (i) What is so striking about the poet’s depiction of this scene of the medium being possessed by the Monkey God? Possible points; clear and distinct The poet’s use of powerful imagery to describe the dramatic movement of the medium is striking The use of sound imagery helps to create an exciting, thrilling atmosphere The poet’s vivid description of the medium’s physical appearance is also striking It is striking how the poet depicts the scene with captivated onlookers and how even traffic is affected by the event The stark contrast between the medium while he is possessed and after the possession is over is striking as well

19 Developing a point: First, choose a point,
then park relevant evidence here… …and connect them here, developing a full point.

20 (ii) How does the poet effectively convey the child’s feelings about this event?
Possible points; clear and distinct The poet clearly shows us how curious the child is at first and how drawn she is to the performance The poet may hint at the child’s confusion at first over the different reactions of her mother and her grandmother (this is an opportunity to talk about the generational differences and tension) The poet captures the breathless anticipation of the child through the skillful use of enjambment throughout the poem The poet continues to emphasize just how mesmerized the child is as she watches the performance by showing how she pushed her grandmother’s hand away (we could bring in the idea of a child’s fearlessness and sense of wonder, not held back by the fears and concerns adults have)

21 Developing a point: First, choose a point,
then park relevant evidence here… …and connect them here, developing a full point.

22 Why do you think poets and writers love to write about their childhood memories, whether they are pleasant or unpleasant? Both our unseen prose passage and poem feature texts which involve a journey into the past…

23 One more thing… Just to share a thought… Sometimes being an adult, with the associated experience and ‘wisdom’ or being an adult, can hold us back from truly immersing oneself in an experience. Adults tend to be more skeptical, having been trained by experience to doubt. A child’s enthusiasm is often unrestrained and unfiltered 

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