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Hot Zone Assignments Spring 2017.

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1 Hot Zone Assignments Spring 2017

2 Hot Zone Assignment #1 Read Part I (thru page 153 in paperback) by Thursday May 8 (A day), May 9 (B day) On May 8 and 9 there will be a quiz over part I. Also due on that day is a Reader’s Response. I will give you a quote today. Read and respond in written form to that quote. You must write at least a half a page (not including re-writing the quote). I’m the ultimate judge of what constitutes a half a page. So don’t make it iffy.

3 Essay for homework Due May 8 (A), May 9 (B)
Reader’s response (at least a half a page...excluding the quote!!) to this quote: “A hot virus from the rain forest lives within a twenty-four-hour plane flight from every city on earth. All of the earth’s cities are connected by a web of airline routes. The web is a network. Once a virus hits the net, it can shoot anywhere in a day—Paris, Tokyo, New York, Los Angeles, wherever planes fly. Charles Monet and the life form inside him had entered the net.” (page 16 in paperback edition of book)

4 Hot Zone Assignment #2 Read Part II (thru page 282 in the paperback) by May 12 (A day), May 15(B day) You will have a quiz over part II on 5/12, 5/15 A comparison of two strains of Ebola is due on 5/12(A), 5/15 (B)…see next slide

5 Hot Zone Assignment #2 Compare and contrast Ebola Sudan and Ebola Zaire. Include cases mentioned in book, speed of infection, virulence, mortality rates. You can use a double bubble map or a Venn diagram or a chart, or you can write your answer in paragraph form.

6 Hot Zone Assignment #3 Read the rest of the book (part III) by May 18 (A), May 19 (B) There will be a quiz over part III on May 18, May 19. Also there will be another readers response due on that day

7 Hot Zone #3 Readers Response– Due May 18 (A), May 19 (B)
Choose ONE of the following and write a half page. The actual quotes are on the next 4 slides: (page numbers are for paperback version. Kindle % are approximate) Explain quote on p. 383 (Kindle: 93%) Explain quote p.405 (Kindle: 99%) Explain quote on p.407 (Kindle: 99%)

8 Hot Zone–Due 5/18 (A), 5/19 (B) 1. Explain quote on p 383 paperback “The paving of the Kinshasa Highway affected every person on earth, and turned out to be one of the most important events of the twentieth century.”

9 Hot Zone–Due 5/18 (A), 5/19 (B) 2. Explain quote on p 383 paperback
“ In effect, I had witnessed a crucial event in the emergence of AIDS, the transformation of a thread of dirt into a ribbon of tar.”

10 Hot Zone–Due 5/18 (A), 5/19 (B) 3. Explain quote on p 405 paperback, “The emergence of AIDS, ebola and any number of other rainforest agents appears to be a natural consequence of the ruin of the tropical biosphere.”

11 Hot Zone–Due 5/18 (A), 5/19 (B) Explain quote on page 407 paperback, “The earth is attempting to rid itself of an infection by the human parasite. Perhaps AIDS is the first step in a natural process of clearance.”

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