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Published byKatherine Barnett Modified over 6 years ago
Parent/Carer Questionnaire Results Summer 2016
Introduction In July 2016 Questionnaires were given to every pupil for completion by their Parents / Carers The Questionnaires comprised 32 questions covering the following areas: Well Being & Outdoor Environment Curriculum Enrichment & Extra-curricular Activities Behaviour, Pastoral Care & School Meals Communication There was also provision for additional comments to be made where appropriate. 166 completed questionnaires were received back (Spring 2016 : 165). The responses have been collated, analysed and are summarised in this document.
Analysis 27 of the questions requested Parents / Carers to select the appropriate option : Strongly Agree / Disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree. For these questions a score was allocated to each answer: Strongly Agree +2 Agree +1 Disagree -1 Strongly Disagree -2 Where an answer indicated ‘Not applicable’, ‘Don’t know’, ‘Neither agree or disagree’, or no answer was given, a value of zero was allocated. The total score for each question was divided by the number of scoring answers to give an average / factor score. The average / factor score has then been ranked into order.
Additional Questions There were 5 additional questions where Parents / Carers were asked for their views / opinions on the following matters: Management and communication of changes to assessment and the removal of levels ‘Wrap Around’ care facility Communication / New Website Parents Teachers & Friends Association Mathematical teaching
Response Percentages
Top 10 No. Question Score Ranking Q3
I feel welcome when I come into Markeaton Primary School 1.77 1 Q14 I would recommend Markeaton Primary School to another family 1.75 2 Q2 There is a positive atmosphere at Markeaton Primary School 1.73 3 Q1 My child is happy at Markeaton Primary School 4 Q15 Markeaton Primary School has a good reputation 1.69 5 Q16 School trips and visits enhance my child's learning experience 1.68 6 Q20 The school’s values and attitudes have a positive effect on my child 1.64 7 Q25 My child enjoys playtimes and lunchtimes 1.63 8 Q10 I think my child is taught well 9 Q17 Markeaton Primary School provides a varied range of enrichment weeks and activities. 1.62 10
Bottom 10 No. Question Score Ranking Q11
Markeaton Primary School has high expectations for my child 1.40 18 Q28 Parent/Carer consultation evenings provide me with the information I require about my child's progress and achievement 1.37 19 Q29 I think the school seeks my views and listens to my concerns 1.35 20 Q24 My child is confident that, should they have a problem, there is someone they can go to in school who will listen to them 1.32 21 Q12 Markeaton Primary School ensures that my child reaches their full potential 1.29 22 Q22 I think the school deals with any incidents of bullying effectively 1.28 23 Q8 I am kept well informed about how my child is progressing 1.25 24 Q7 I am kept well informed about what my child is learning at school 1.21 25 Q26 My child finds school meals enjoyable 1.08 26 Q9 I think my child gets too much homework. -0.64 27
Well Being & Outdoors Environment
No. Question Spring 2016 Summer 2016 Variance Q1 My child is happy at Markeaton Primary School 1.62 1.73 0.11 Q2 There is a positive atmosphere at Markeaton Primary School 1.53 0.20 Q3 I feel welcome when I come in to Markeaton Primary School 1.44 1.77 0.33 Q4 The outdoor environment is effective at supporting creativity and learning. 1.27 1.42 0.15
Curriculum & Leadership
No. Question Spring 2016 Summer 2016 Variance Q7 I am kept well informed about what my child is learning at school 0.89 1.21 0.32 Q8 I am kept well informed about how my child is progressing 0.86 1.25 0.39 Q9 I think my child gets too much homework -0.41 -0.64 -0.23 Q10 I think my child is taught well N/A 1.63 Q11 Markeaton Primary School has high expectations for my child 1.01 1.40 Q12 Markeaton Primary School ensures that my child reaches their full potential 1.04 1.29 0.25 Q13 The school is led and managed effectively 1.60 Q14 I would recommend Markeaton Primary School to another family 1.75 Q15 Markeaton Primary School has a good reputation 1.47 1.69 0.22
Enrichment No. Question Spring 2016 Summer 2016 Variance Q16
School trips and visits enhance my child's learning experience 1.59 1.68 0.09 Q17 Markeaton Primary School provides a varied range of enrichment weeks and activities 1.44 1.62 0.20 Q18 Markeaton Primary School runs a wide range of after-school clubs 1.13 1.47 0.34
Behaviour, Pastoral Care and Meals
No. Question Spring 2016 Summer 2016 Variance Q20 The school’s values and attitudes have a positive effect on my child 1.44 1.64 0.20 Q21 I think behaviour is good at Markeaton Primary School N/A 1.47 Q22 I think the school deals with any incidents of bullying effectively 1.28 Q23 The school treats my child fairly 1.40 0.07 Q24 My child is confident that, should they have a problem, there is someone they can go to in school who will listen to them 1.29 1.32 0.03 Q25 My child enjoys playtimes and lunchtimes 1.43 1.63 Q26 My child finds school meals enjoyable 1.08 0.00
Communication No. Question Spring 2016 Summer 2016 Variance Q27
I think members of staff at Markeaton Primary School are approachable 1.47 1.59 0.12 Q28 Parent/Carer consultation evenings provide me with the information I require about my child's progress and achievement 1.12 1.37 0.25 Q29 I think the school seeks my views and listens to my concerns N/A 1.35 Q31 Markeaton Primary School encourages parents/carers to play an active part in school life 1.26 1.58 0.32
Homework There was one question where there was an overall negative average / factor score of -0.64: Q9 : “I think my child gets too much homework” This can be viewed as a ‘double negative’ – with the consensus being there is not too much homework. By reversing the scores for this question to compensate for the ‘double negative’ effect, the revised average / factor score would be However, this would still give this question the lowest ranking of the 27 questions assessed in this manner.
Q34 : Mathematics Contribution
48% of respondents said they would be willing to contribute towards the cost of resources to support new styles of mathematical teachings.
Wrap Around Care There was a very positive response to the idea of a ‘wrap-around’ care which would run before and after school - for a nominal fee.
PTFA Thank you to all the parents / carers who expressed an interested in helping the PTFA, providing extra support and ideas for the future. 30 respondents said they were interested, or were already involved in the PTFA. These contact details have now been passed on to Lindsey Mannion and Anna Gadsby.
The School Office Questions?
Other responses (from two stars and a wish)…
“The whole school environment – which means my daughter is happy, safe, confident and loves going to school.” “My son has made super progress this year, I am very proud of what he has achieved.” “Positivity and staff approachability has improved.” “Improved methods of communication generally.” “The teachers really know the children in their class.” “Continued focus on the arts.” “Office Staff very helpful and informative.” “Inclusive Ethos.” “Highly skilled and caring support staff.” “We are proud to be part of this great school community.” “PTFA – unbelievable effort and dedication.” “A well taught and varied curriculum.” “We are thankful four our child’s opportunity to learn a musical instrument.” “Put the wealth of parental knowledge to better use – don’t be afraid to ask…” “No homework please!” “More opportunities to come into school and see my child’s learning…”
Other responses (from two stars and a wish)…
“More outdoor learning opportunities.” “Put the wealth of parental knowledge to better use – don’t be afraid to ask.” “Keep a closer eye on bullying.” “No homework please!” “More opportunities to come into school and see my child’s learning.” “Get rid of SATs.” “Allow parents to go on holiday during term time.” “Make it clearer how and when to communicate with staff.” “End of day pick up still feels a bit chaotic.” “More focus on Maths.” “Better website with clearer lines of communication from the classroom.” “More class assemblies please.” “More sport and PE, further challenging children’s fitness.” “More emphasis on healthy lifestyles and healthy eating.”
Attainment headlines 15/16
Good Level of Development* Markeaton National 81% 69% *Children are defined as having reached a good level of development at the end of the EYFS if they have achieved at least the expected level in: the early learning goals in the prime areas of learning (personal, social and emotional development; physical development; and communication and language) + the early learning goals in the specific areas of mathematics and literacy.
Attainment headlines 15/16
Subject % at expected standard % at greater depth Markeaton National Y1 Phonics 82% 81% N/A KS1 Maths 90% 73% 8% 18% KS1 Reading 87% 74% 48% 24% KS1 Writing 78% 65% 33% 13% KS2 Maths 67% 70% 19% 17% KS2 Reading 66% 38% KS2 Writing 42% 15% KS2 SPaG 83% 72% 31% 23%
Progress headlines 15/16 Subject Progress measure National threshold
Reading 1.6 -5 (minus 5) Writing 2.7 -7 (minus 5) Maths -1.4
Slight change to assessment in school
We have decided to slightly change the language we use to describe your child’s attainment (where they currently are within a subject). We have made this change so that it reflects the language which is used nationally in Y2 and Y6 SATs. We feel this change will make it much easier for Parents/Carers to track progress and become less confused by all the terminology that is currently in use: Beginning Working Towards Working At Working at Greater Depth Everything else in terms of assessment, including our interpretation of assessment without levels, remains unchanged.
School Development Plan 16/17
To close the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils (Pupil Premium) and non-disadvantaged pupils To develop a Growth Mindset philosophy across the school involving pupils, staff and parents To introduce and develop new strategies and teaching methods to improve mathematical standards across the school To further raise attainment in SPaG with a particular emphasis on spelling To enhance the profile and provision of outdoor learning
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