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‘One-size does not fit all’

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1 ‘One-size does not fit all’
Communication skills teaching – Can one size fit all? . Julie Rowlands Macmillan Lead Nurse for Palliative Care Velindre Hospital, Honorary Lecturer Cardiff University Dr Nikki Pease, Consultant in Palliative Medicine Velindre Hospital, Honorary Senior Lecturer Cardiff University Background: Current evidence supports the provision of effective communication skills teaching with various teaching models described. A minimum of three days teaching is recommended by a recent European consensus meeting and adopted as the accepted model for delivery of communication skills teaching to Cancer MDT members in England. There is a paucity of evidence for this. There is no recognition of prior knowledge and skills. Aims: To measure the effectiveness of the Cardiff Communication Skills Toolkit © to improve communication skills of healthcare professionals. Method: Advanced communication skills teaching has formed a significant part of the Cardiff University Postgraduate Diploma in Palliative Medicine since In 2006 we developed the Cardiff communication skills toolkit© which teaches person centered interviewing using 6 main ‘tools’. Students undertake face-to-face assessments and assessment through DVD consultations which allowed us to triangulate our data Triangulation: A triangulation of assessments investigated whether: - using the toolkit to teach leads to improved communication skills - students improved at the same rate to the same extent - all students required all the role-play teaching to improve to the required level Data Collection: From 2 student cohorts at 6 points over 2 years Results: ‘One-size does not fit all’ All students appear to benefit from 1 day of teaching regardless of existing skills Improvement occurs at different rates and to varying extents Students can improve or reach a required level with different lengths of teaching Recommendations: To deliver cost effective courses students can have skills assessed after 1 day of training which benefits all. Students can be traffic lighted at the end of day one and the most appropriate route offered. At the end of Day 1 Green: exits with certificate, return in 5 years for update Amber and Red: Stay for a 2nd day and receive further training and role-play practice At the end of Day 2 Remaining students are reassessed. Green: exits with certificate, return in 5 years for update Amber: Given further advice/pointers advised to practice using the toolkit and return for training in 2 years. Red: Given further advice/pointers advised to practice using the toolkit, given guidance on how to reflect on practice and wherever possible partnered up with local colleague/team to mentor/support Return for training in 1 year.

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