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Fundraising for Art Projects

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1 Fundraising for Art Projects
Presented by Will Chase December 13, 2012

2 Set Up Your Team Fundraising Manager NOT the primary artist
NOT a key artistic collaborator

3 Plan Your Project Budget thoroughly How much money do you need?
Multiply that by 150%

4 Set Up A Fundraising Infrastructure
Who are you getting money from? How are you collecting money? Devise a fundraising strategy Simple, consolidated, convenient

5 Fundraising Techniques
Crowdsourcing: social networking Kickstarter, Indiegogo Paypal vs. WePay Donation button Fundraisers Raffles, Live Auctions, Silent Auctions Donations for specific project parts Matching donations 501(c)3 fiscal sponsorship Patrons Grants

6 Publicity Use the social network Website Blog Facebook, Twitter
lists Fliers, posters, etc. The Rule of 7 Impressions

7 Avoid Pitfalls: Be Like Goldilocks
Asking for too much Asking for too little Asking too often Asking too seldom Asking too early Asking too late Asking AFTER the project’s done Donor fatigue

8 Kickstarter Strategies
How does Kickstarter work? Don’t ask too big Cover your 5% Kickstarter fee Keep known donors in your pocket Use shwag to create awareness Kickstarter publicity Indiegogo vs. Kickstarter Indiegogo: 4% if successful, 9% if not

9 Throwing Fundraisers Who’s your event planner? Don’t tax the art team
Get your permits Get stuff donated Sell everything Live and/or silent auctions, art sales, raffles, sell plans/parts, etc. -- get creative Make sure margins are worth the effort Publicize it! Generate buzz around your artwork

10 Things To Do Embrace realistic optimism Ask for money
Ask for non-monetary donations Materials, volunteer labor, transportation, fundraiser items for sale Show appreciation for donors Publicly and/or privately Be transparent: where’s the money going? Be professional Follow through

11 The Panhandle Bandshell
Sample Projects The Panhandle Bandshell The Flux Foundation Flaming Lotus Girls

12 Q&A

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