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P.E Curriculum: During the year the boys will be learning the following sports during lessons: Football, Rugby, Hockey, Cricket, Tennis, Athletics, Swimming,

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Presentation on theme: "P.E Curriculum: During the year the boys will be learning the following sports during lessons: Football, Rugby, Hockey, Cricket, Tennis, Athletics, Swimming,"— Presentation transcript:

1 P.E Curriculum: During the year the boys will be learning the following sports during lessons: Football, Rugby, Hockey, Cricket, Tennis, Athletics, Swimming, Futsal, Dodgeball, Sportshall Athletics, Gymnastics, Basketball Kit: detailed kit list found in the Sports Booklet/Admissions Booklet Extra-curricular activities as scheduled (Calendar of Events) but pupils will be notified of any changes Sportsmanship: VCP prides itself on this aspect of sport along with effort. Please try and encourage the boys to show excellent sportsmanship at all times! Please refer to the forthcoming Sports Booklet for more details!

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