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Presentation on theme: "IMPROVEMENT PRIORITIES:"— Presentation transcript:

SCHOOL SPORTS FUNDING ACADEMIC YEAR 2016/ CRAGG VALE J & I SCHOOL The following is a summary of how Cragg Vale Primary School intends to spend the 2016/17 PE and Sport Grant (£8300). The priorities have been identified by carrying out a review to identify the school’s strengths and weaknesses in relation to Physical Education, healthy active lifestyles and club & competitive school sport. The diagram also highlights specific school improvement priorities that these actions will support. In order to access expertise and appropriate support the school has joined the following organisations to support these priorities: H7 Sports Partnership, Bikeability, Lifeline Calderdale and Independent Sports Coaches K.Shepherd (PE Coordinator) PHYSICAL EDUCATION Total Expenditure: £4180 Priority 1 (£580) : To develop the teaching of Gymnastics in EYFS/ KS1 Action 1:Paired teaching from Jo Arundel with Class 1 teacher. Priority 2 (£600) To continue to develop opportunities for more able pupils in PE Action 2: More able gym coaching in KS2, More able football coaching KS2, PE scheme which develops these pupils further. Priority 3 (£800): Further develop the teaching of PE across the school Action 2: Purchase a new scheme, for the teaching of PE across the school. Priority 3 (£1000): To give pupils access to high quality facilities and resources Action 3: Funding transport and use of local venues Priority 4 (£1200): To ensure all pupils are able to access the Outdoor Adventurous Residential Action 4: Fund high quality outdoor adventure activities for KS2 pupils. HEALTHY ACTIVE LIFESTYLES Total Expenditure: £ 700 Priority 1( £400): Continue to develop pupils’ leadership skills through developing a School Sports Organising Committee Action: Junior Leadership Scheme for UKS2 pupils, resources for the committee. Priority 2: (£300) Develop Healthy minds and mental and emotional wellbeing Action 2: Prioritise through PSHCE teaching. Additional opportunities in dance, yoga and mindfulness. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PRIORITIES: To continue to develop the leadership roles of Upper Key Stage 2 pupils. To develop the teaching of high-quality PE through a systematic scheme and extra-curricular opportunities To develop pupils mental health and wellbeing To retain the Sainsbury’s School Games Silver Award and aim for gold for the end of the academic year. CLUB & COMPETITIVE SCHOOL SPORT Total Expenditure: £3,120 Priority 1(£2900): To continue to develop the range of competitive sport and after school clubs offered to pupils and ensure access to these. Action 1: To buy into the HX 7 Partnership for curriculum & extra curricular support and fund Transport to and equipment for events. Priority 2 (£500): To increase pupils awareness of the range of competitive sports and promote high aspirations Action 2: Visits to competitive sporting events or arenas


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