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Strategic Lead Children and Young People, London Sport

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1 Strategic Lead Children and Young People, London Sport
Wandsworth Primary PE Forum Hillbrook School January 2017 London Sport Update Gary Palmer Strategic Lead Children and Young People, London Sport #MostActiveCity

2 Reporting and monitoring expectations Ofsted
Who are London Sport? PE and Sport Premium: Reporting and monitoring expectations Ofsted London Sport support for schools The future…. #MostActiveCity

3 1. Who are London Sport? VISION: To make London the most physically active sporting city in the world We’re about more than just sport We want London to be the very best in the world Children and young people are vital to our vision of making London the most physically active city in the world TARGET: An overall target to get 1,000,000 Londoners more physically active by 2020 #MostActiveCity

4 A manifesto for the most active city
We must: Ensure young people have a positive first experience of sport and physical activity Develop School Sport as an integrated element of sport and physical activity for young people, not as a separate strategy or system Reduce inactivity and increasing activity levels Improve physical literacy and young people’s attitudes towards sport and active lifestyles Deliver personal and wider social outcomes for young people in line with the DCMS strategy #MostActiveCity

5 Primary Premium #MostActiveCity

6 Key points The premium must be used to fund additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport, for the benefit of primary-aged pupils to encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles. You should not use your funding to: Employ coaches or specialist teachers to cover planning preparation and assessment (PPA) arrangements – these should come out of schools’ core staffing budgets. Teach the minimum requirements of the national curriculum PE programmes of study – including those specified for swimming or, in the case of academies and free schools, to teach your existing PE curriculum. #MostActiveCity

7 Reporting Schools are required to publish details of how they spend their PE and Sport Premium funding on their website by 3 April 2017 The information on the website must include: The amount received; A full breakdown of how it has been spent (or will be spent); The effect of the premium on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment; How you’ll make sure these improvements are sustainable; and How you use of the premium to giving pupils the opportunity to develop a healthy, active lifestyle. #MostActiveCity

8 Department of Education School Information
Reporting Check List Department of Education School Information Yes No Information on school website for current year Full breakdown of how it has been spent Helping to develop a healthy, active lifestyle Additional health enhancing activities Professional learning for teachers Inclusion/ activities for inactives Extending competition Evidence of impact on participation and attainment More extra-curricular clubs Enhanced swimming offer Improve facilities Deploying additional coaches Hiring specialist or peripatetic teachers Buying equipment Transport to and from events Examples of how improvements are sustainable Using coaches funded by the Premium in PPA time . What we look for #MostActiveCity

9 Ofsted school inspection handbook, page 38
The PE coordinator and a nominated governor will be expected to discuss the impact the PE and School Sport Premium has had in your school Ofsted will assess how primary schools spend their PE and Sport Premium under the ‘effectiveness of leadership and management’ section of the inspection: ‘How effectively leaders use the primary PE and Sport Premium and measure its impact on outcomes for pupils, and how effectively governors hold them to account for this’ Ofsted school inspection handbook, page 38 #MostActiveCity

10 Direct support London Sport will work with a number of primary schools; the ones that want and need help, to make effective use of the PE and Sport Premium. Support will include: Providing schools with an online diagnostic tool to identify what development needs they have. Providing information about providers portal to make it easier for schools to find school providers who can meet their needs. Allocating a Primary Sports Premium Mentor to provide direct support on behalf of London Sport where it is required. Evidence the impact of the investment Would you like to be part of this package? If so, contact #MostActiveCity

11 What next... #MostActiveCity 1. New soft drinks levy
This will be invested in programmes to reduce obesity and encourage physical activity and balanced diets for school age children from This includes: The potential doubling of the Primary PE and Sport Premium Putting a further £10 million a year into school healthy breakfast clubs Please note - A Westminster Hall Debate on the allocation of funding from the soft drinks industry levy for sport in schools takes place on 10 January 2. Helping all children to enjoy an hour of physical activity every day Every primary school child should get at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity a day. At least 30 minutes should be delivered in school every day through active break times, PE, extra-curricular clubs, active lessons, or other sport and physical activity events The remaining 30 minutes supported by parents and carers outside of school time 3. Schools will be supported on how they spend their available funds for maximum impact. Ofsted assess effective use the Primary PE and Sport Premium Physical activity will be a key part of the new healthy schools rating scheme Schools will continue to have the freedom to consider spending the Primary PE and Sport Premium but PHE will be developing advice to schools for the academic year 2017/18. PHE will make available a new interactive online tool which will help schools plan at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. #MostActiveCity

12 What next… 4. Improved co-ordination of quality sport and physical activity programmes for schools London Sport will work with national and local providers to ensure that every primary school has access to a co-ordinated offer of high quality sport and physical activity programmes NGBs will offer high quality sport programmes to every primary school Keeping children active is a shared responsibility between schools and parents/carers Clear targets to increase the number of children walking to school as well as continued support for Bikeability cycle training for children 5. A new healthy rating scheme for primary schools A new voluntary healthy rating scheme for primary schools, building on existing schemes Schools should celebrate healthy approaches towards tackling obesity amongst their pupils, Annual competition to recognise schools with the most innovative and impactful projects will be launched Ofsted will be refer to this scheme in the school inspection handbook #MostActiveCity

13 Other news #MostActiveCity

14 Providers Portal Purpose: Make it easier for schools to find providers who can meet their development needs Make it easier for London Sport to update and maintain information NGBs, appropriate grassroots organisations and local networks that offer provision to primary schools will also be included London Sport will not be promoting and recommending any service provider; the aim of the provider portal is for schools to be able to make an informed choice of who is right for them. We need schools to shape this portal – could you help? #MostActiveCity

15 London 2017 World Para Athletics Championships - exclusive ticket offer Date Session Time Session 2- Saturday 15th July Morning am-1pm Session 4- Sunday 16th July Morning am-1pm Session 11- Thursday 20th July Evening pm-10pm Session 12- Friday 21st July Evening pm-10pm Session 13- Saturday 22nd July Morning am-1pm Tickets cost £3 per child (16 and under). Accompanying chaperones are free Interested? If so contact Calum Campbell at: #MostActiveCity

16 Actions to consider Are you meeting the requirements of the funding agreement? Can you evidence the impact of the investment? Can you prove how more active young people are in your school as a consequence of the investment? Would you like to be part of the London Sport Support Programme? Are you able to help shape the Providers Portal? #MostActiveCity

17 Thank you for listening Any questions?

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