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The Key Stage 4 Options Process

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1 The Key Stage 4 Options Process
South Shore Academy The Key Stage 4 Options Process 2016/17 Creating Opportunities Inspiring Success

2 OFSTED 2017 There are significant strengths in the teaching and progress of pupils in a number of subjects. Leaders have planned a curriculum that reflects their high aspirations for pupils. Senior leaders have turned this school round through sheer grit and determination. Their combined focus has improved all aspects of the school’s work. Leaders have designed a curriculum for the most able pupils, the ‘challenge’ cohort, that is much more suitable to their needs. There are a range of additional, extended projects and seminars to raise aspirations and to enable these pupils to engage in academically rigorous learning. Achievement is rising for all groups of pupils across the school because, in the main, teaching has improved across the majority of subject areas and pupils are more ready to learn.

3 Our Curriculum We offer a specialist high calibre academic offer based upon the English Baccalaureate core curriculum. This offer is deemed by Russell Group Universities as pivotal in making offers to students for a place at university. This curriculum offer means that should students change their mind about their intended destination, they have a rigorous academic curriculum behind them that will enable them to pursue a different pathway effectively.

4 Students have 25 lessons in a week…50 a fortnight.
Two week timetable Students have 25 lessons in a week…50 a fortnight.

5 Core Mathematics 10 lessons English 10 lessons Culture Science
Students study GCSE Mathematics and some students also study GCSE Statistics English 10 lessons Students study both GCSE English Language & Literature Culture 5 lessons Students study PE, PSHE and RE. Most students will go onto gain at least 1 GCSE equivalent in PE/Sport or GCSE RE. Science 10 lessons Students study for the equivalent of 3 GCSEs. Based on progress some students will gain the equivalent of 2 GCSEs only.

6 Choices Modern Foreign Languages Option Humanity 5 lessons 5 lessons
Students either continue in their study of French to GCSE standard or start GCSE Spanish or German Option 5 lessons Students make a selection in preference order from a range of subject areas ICT Business Art Music Food Students may also select to study another modern foreign language or another humanity. Drama Humanity History or Geography 5 lessons Students study either GCSE History or GCSE Geography.

7 We are different in our approach
Most schools design their curriculum from their point of view – blocking subject combinations from the outset and preventing students from choosing the subjects they want and need. We are different. Our curriculum is designed from the student choice perspective. The courses you select help us design the curriculum around your preferences.

8 Specialist information, advice and guidance from our teaching team.
What next? Specialist information, advice and guidance from our teaching team. Each student will have a personal guidance interview with SLT during the week commencing 24th April 2017 We will share the outcome of those meetings and your child’s thinking with a view to meeting with those parents and carers that wish to. We will work with you and your child to let you know what options they have secured for study next year by Friday 26th May 2017.

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