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Welcome to the Grade 1/2 Parent Information Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Grade 1/2 Parent Information Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Grade 1/2 Parent Information Night

2 Welcome and Prayer Leader
Our Schools need the support of all parents. Each one has his or her unique contribution to make; some special quality that can help build a community that really cares for children. Let us pray that all parents will experience a sense of warmth and welcome, and that there will be a rich sharing of ideas, talents and enthusiasm as together we go about our work of helping our children to grow and learn.

3 All Lord Jesus, you are with us now.
Help us recognise your presence in each other. May friendship flourish here. Fill us with a deep sense of peace. Inspire us to listen with attention and patience to each other, to share with courage and generosity, and to welcome the ideas of all. May this meeting of ours strengthen our friendship, build our community and increase our confidence in ourselves and our school. Amen Our Lady of Good Counsel Counsel and protect us

4 Teacher Introduction Welcome to all parents of students in 1/2G!
My name is Miss Shona Garland I have been teaching for three years at St Andrew’s Clayton South and this is my first year at OLGC. I was previously a Registered Nurse at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and decided to return to university to complete my teaching degree. I enjoy reading, love going to the movies and dancing! :)

5 Communication/Getting in touch with us
We will communicate with you via Blogs/School App/Term Newsletter Please contact us via: /phone/ classroom - Appointments Morning times

6 Vision and Values OLGC Vision: “A leading faith community inspiring learners to shape tomorrow” OLGC Values: Respect Empathy Gratitude Love Courage

7 Curriculum Victorian Curriculum RE Curriculum Framework
Horizons of Hope- CEM Speaking and Listening- Year 1 show and tell Year 2 present topic to class Digital Technologies-chromebooks, netbooks and ipads Excursions/Incursions

8 Timetable- PE/Sport Tuesday and Friday

9 Classroom Support Parent helpers
Ensure you have a Working with Children Check if you would like to volunteer in the classroom. Sign up sheet outside of the classroom and ed to you within the next week or two. Sister Carolle Working with groups of students twice a week in maths.

10 Uniform and Homework (Reading)
Uniform-please refer to current newsletter Main change is that there is a summer and winter uniform rather than a boys and girls uniform. Prep-2 nightly reading- 15 minutes of reading at least five nights a week. Each student will be allocated a day in the week to change their readers over. School assessment will determine which books students take home. Take home readers will be going home Week 4. Students are expected to bring their reading log on their changing reader day. We encourage all parents to sign their reading log each night.

11 Thank you to all parents for attending
Any questions? Please feel free to come and chat to me tonight or make an appointment! Thank you to all parents for attending

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