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Applying for HEA Fellowship

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1 Applying for HEA Fellowship
What happens after you’ve submitted your application

2 How are applications for HEA Fellowship reviewed?
Stage 1 Administrative checks – for complete evidence, word limits Stage 2 Assessor Review – by at least 2 assessors (a 3rd external assessor for Senior Fellowship applications) Stage 3 Review and Ratification by SAR and then the Panel

3 The HEA Application Review process
Send to reviewers Decision SAR Panel Moderation panel Feedback Return Proceed (Fellowship) Clarification (Minor or Major)

4 Quality Assured and Impartial
Who are the assessors? Assessors for Associate Fellowships or Fellowship are staff of the University. There will be a third external assessor for Senior Fellowship applications Who Selected from HEA Fellows, College Learning & Teaching Leads, National Teaching Fellows, experienced assessors in the PGCert (tHE) and Chairs of College Learning and Teaching committees. Experienced Trained on the UK PSF and in reviewing applications. There will be at least two assessors per application. None can be your mentor. Quality Assured and Impartial

5 Assessments and Recommendations
Assessors will review applications in relation to the requirements of the category of Fellowship for which you are applying – outlined in the Assessment Criteria Recommendations will be one of the following 4 options: No changes needed. Recommend application for recognition Proceed Clarify (Minor) 1 week to add specific evidence to application and re-submit Clarify (Major) 1 month to make more substantive revisions and re-submit Return More substantial revisions before re-submission will be considered

6 Quality Assurance and Control Processes
Introduction This section describes how the Swansea Application Route is subject to rigorous quality assurance practices. Introduction 1. Panel Composition 2. Review of Recommendations 3. Panel ratification Click on the titles to the right to read about the Quality Assurance and Control Process

7 Quality Assurance and Control Processes
1. Panel Composition The assessors will meet together as a ‘Board of Studies’ – termed the SAR Panel External assessors will also be involved, either in person or via video-conferencing/other means. The Manager of SALT will also be present as the ‘Programme Manager’ and An administrator will record the discussions and recommendations. 1. Panel composition 2. Review of Recommendations 3. Panel ratification Click on the titles to read about the Quality Assurance and Control Process

8 2. Review of Recommendations
Quality Assurance and Control Processes 2. Review of Recommendations The SAR Panel will review ALL recommendations. The Panel will review in detail any applications on which the assessor team could not come to an agreed recommendation. Following discussion, an agreed recommendation and feedback will be recorded by the administrator. The recommendations will be submitted to the Panel for ratification. 2. Review of Recommendations 1. Panel Composition 3. Panel ratification Click on the titles to read about the Quality Assurance and Control Process

9 3. IT@S Panel ratification
Quality Assurance and Control Processes 3. Panel ratification The (Inspiring Teaching at Swansea) Panel consists of representatives from those delivering the HEA Fellowship scheme and also the taught postgraduate certificates for teaching in higher education. There is also an external representative. The panel will consider: A sample of those applications with a decision of Proceed (approval). Review all the applications with a decision of Return or Clarify. Reports on how the different strands of can be improved. (Additionally the Panel will scrutinise information from the taught element of the scheme) 3. Panel ratification 1. Panel Composition 2. Review of Recommendations Continue

10 How will I be informed? You’ll be notified via letter and of the Panel decisions. Notification Feedback on your application will then be released via Pebble+ Feedback If successful, you’ll get a notification from the HEA to download your HEA Fellowship certificate. If unsuccessful, please review the feedback and contact your mentor and/or members of the SALT team regarding re-submission What Happens Next

11 For more details See the SALT website for:
Links to the HEA Fellowship Descriptors and UK PSF Information on how to apply Assessment Criteria and List of Indicative Activities Guidance for Referees


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