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3 Building coherence Values Professional standards
Code of Professional responsibility Teacher preparation Professional development Leadership strategy Sharing practice

4 Enabling a rich collaborative culture
In your centre Across your community In your area of interest or expertise Across ECE, primary, secondary and tertiary Across practitioners, academics, PLD facilitators, researchers

5 Values developed with the profession
These values underpin the Code and Standards. They define, inspire and guide us as teachers. WHAKAMANA: empowering all learners to reach their highest potential by providing high quality teaching and leadership. MANAAKITANGA: creating a welcoming, caring and creative learning environment that treats everyone with respect and dignity PONO: showing integrity by acting in ways that are fair, honest, ethical and just. WHANAUNGATANGA: engaging in positive and collaborative relationships with our learners, their families and whānau, our colleagues and the wider community.

6 Standards developed with the profession

7 Code developed with the profession

Expanding postgraduate pathways Setting clear Standards for graduating teachers and greater confidence in assessment of graduate outcomes Raising entry requirements – higher literacy and numeracy Strengthening the quality of practica arrangements More flexible programmes – that prepare teachers to teach across different ranges of year levels LATER IN 2017 WILL PROGRESS Managed pathways from graduation to full certification A stronger focus on graduate outcomes in programme approval. review and monitoring – over time Manage the supply of new graduates to better meet future workforce trends A more collaborative and coherent network of provision – to ensure overall system needs are met.

9 Leadership WHAT WE WILL DO
Working with our new ECE advisory group to provide a leadership focus for next year Developing a coherent leadership strategy for the whole profession to support and grow leaders and leadership across the profession Providing leadership development for COL leaders Providing online content for all leaders 2017/18 Strategy will inform future actions and investment in leadership development Government funded PLD will transition to the Council over time

10 Requirement to report Sections 392 to 395 of the Education Act 1989
Employers must immediately report to the Education Council: All dismissals If, within the 12 months before a resignation or expiry of a fixed term position, the employer has advised the teacher that it was dissatisfied with, or intended to investigate, any aspect of the teacher’s conduct or competence If the employer has reason to believe the teacher has engaged in serious misconduct Despite undertaking competence procedures, the teacher has not met the required level of competence


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