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Vocabulary: Orange WORDS

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1 Vocabulary: Orange WORDS

2 Impervious Adj- not affected or hurt by; admitting of no passage or entrance Syn-inpenetrable, resistant Ant- porous, permeable, vulnerable

3 Impetus N- moving force, impulse, stimulus Syn-impulse, incentive, spur Ant- curb, hindrance, impediment, constraint

4 Holocaust N – a large scale destruction, especially by fire
Syn-conflagration, devastation, annihilation Ant-deluge, inundation

5 jeopardy N - danger Syn- risk, hazard, peril Ant- safety, security

6 meticulous Adj. - extremely careful; particular about details
Syn- fastidious, painstaking, fussy Ant-carless, negligent, sloppy

7 nostalgia N – a longing for something past; homesickness

8 quintessence N – the purest essence or form of something; the most typical example Syn-paragon, example

9 retrogress V – to move backward; to return to an earlier position
Syn- revert, degenerate, decline Ant- advance, evolve, progress

10 scrutinize V – to examine closely Syn- inspect, to pour over Ant-skim, scan, glance at

11 tepid Adj.-lukewarm, unenthusiastic, disinterested
Syn – insipid, halfhearted Ant- heated, excited, enthusiastic

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