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Ad Hoc Radio Networks Radio Network is a collection of transmitter-receiver devices (denoted as notes). Each node can transmit data to nodes which exist.

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Presentation on theme: "Ad Hoc Radio Networks Radio Network is a collection of transmitter-receiver devices (denoted as notes). Each node can transmit data to nodes which exist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ad Hoc Radio Networks Radio Network is a collection of transmitter-receiver devices (denoted as notes). Each node can transmit data to nodes which exist within its transmitting capability region. A radio network can be modeled by a directed graph G=(V,E), where V denotes a set of nodes and when a node u can transmit to a node v, there exists an edge (u,v) in E. Nodes in a radio network work per round synchronized by a global clock. At each round, each node transmits data or receives data. At every round, each node transmits data or receives data. A node acting as a receiver in a given round gets a message iff exactly one of its neighbors transmits in this round.

2 A collision occurred at a node if at least its two neighbors transmits in a given round.
Nodes have a collision detection -- Nodes can distinguish that no neighbor transmits data and that two or more neighbors transmit data. Radio Broadcasting (RB) -- Transmitting a message from the source node to all other nodes. Acknowledged Radio Broadcasting (ARB) -- Achieving RB and inform the source about finishing RB.

3 Model for the following RB and ARB algorithms
A radio network with a collision detection Its reachability graph is symmetric Every node knows its own ID and whether itself is source. Only source knows the starting round of the algorithms. A node v acting as a receiver in a given round hears

4 RB algorithm Transmission Reception No action No action
No action Transmission Transmission Transmission 1 Start (end) signal First round Second round Transmitting bit or signal Transmission Reception 1 start or end Reception bit or signal First round Second round

5 Algorithm: The source transmits a source message (the nodes whose distance from the source is 1 receive the source message) and then take no action in the remaining steps. the other nodes received source message transmit the source message. After that, they take no actions (i.e., the nodes whose distance from source is 1 transmit the source message and the nodes whose distance from source is 2 receive the source message, and so on.) Time complexity: the source message is delivered as if ripple spreads every 2r+4 rounds. RB algorithm can be completed in rounds, where ecc is the largest distance from source to any other node.

6 Improved RB algorithm Improve the algorithm to run in only O(r+ecc) round using a pipelined fashion. Time complexity: Improved RB algorithm can be completed in 6r+2ecc rounds.

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