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Establishing of the project management structures

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1 Establishing of the project management structures
Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries Establishing of the project management structures Dr Milan Gocić Prof. Dr Zoran Nikolić University of Niš Kick-off meeting/ 16 December 2016 Project number: EPP RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein"

2 Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries

3 Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries
PC - Responsible for - overall project management (technical and operational), - communication and reporting to EACEA, - efficient use of the project grant, etc. 3

4 Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries
MST - Responsible for planning and realization of mobility strand - an additional financial support for international mobility of students and staff for studying, training and teaching purposes. 4

5 Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries
The QAC consists of 4 members from partner institutions experienced in quality assurance. The QAC team is a direct support to the Project Coordinator in - monitoring and assessing the quality of the project and its results, - in development of Quality Control and Monitoring Manual.  5

6 PMC - Responsible for the achievement of the project outcomes.
Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries PMC - Responsible for the achievement of the project outcomes. 6

7 Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries
SC: decision-making body consisting of one representative (preferably the contact person) from each partner institution. SC will meet twice a year (in combination with other project events due to cost efficiency) - to discuss and review the progress of project activities, - to make decisions, - to approve deliverables and - to agree on any risk contingency measures. 7

8 Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries

9 Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries
WP’s Leaders responsible for monitoring of the overall progress of the WP’s and their activities. 9

10 Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries
Task Leaders are in charge of monitoring the assigned activities, ensuring their quality level, timelines and timeliness, and active participation of other partners 10

11 Decision making process
Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries Decision making process Main Decision Making Body is the Steering Committee. Steering Committee Meeting: A simple majority of the SC members shall constitute a quorum. Decision-making will be done by a simple majority of the present members (one vote per member). Additionally, meetings can be arranged via video-conferencing or e-voting of the SC members, especially in the contingency of unexpected developments.

12 Decision making process
Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries Decision making process In case that the Project Coordinator has profound objections concerning the compliance of a taken decision with the grant agreement or the legal basis of the ERASMUS+ programme, the decision shall be frozen until the Project Coordinator clarifies the matter with the Executive Agency. In case that no compliance should be asserted the decision will be cancelled.

13 Steering Committee No. Acronym Name 1 UNI Prof. Dragan Antić 2 BOKU
Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries Steering Committee No. Acronym Name 1 UNI Prof. Dragan Antić 2 BOKU Assoc. Prof. Michael Tritthart 3 MUHEC Prof. Sally Priest 4 KPA Prof. Dragana Kolarić 5 UPKM Prof. Nebojša Arsić 6 UNSA Assoc. Prof. Emina Hadžić 7 VSUP Assis. Prof. Mile Šikman 8 TCASU Dr Predrag Stanojević 9 UNIME Prof. Giuseppe Tito Aronica 10 OE Assoc. Prof. Agota Dregelyi-Kiss 11 UNID Prof. Boban Đorović 12 TUC Prof . Georgios Stavroulakis

14 WP’s Leaders No. Acronym Name 1 BOKU Assoc. Prof. Michael Tritthart 2
Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries WP’s Leaders No. Acronym Name 1 BOKU Assoc. Prof. Michael Tritthart 2 UNIME Prof. Giuseppe Tito Aronica 3 UNID Prof. Miroslav Talijan 4 UNSA Assoc. Prof. Emina Hadžić 5 MUHEC Prof. Sally Priest 6 UNI Prof. Dejan Rančić 7 Prof. Slaviša Trajković 8 Assis. Prof. Milan Gocić

15 Quality Assurance Committee
Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries Quality Assurance Committee No. Acronym Name 1 UNI Prof. Zoran Nikolić 2 BOKU Kurt Glock 3 MUHEC Prof. Sally Priest 4 OE Assis. Prof. Gabriella Farkas

16 Mobility Strand Team No. Acronym Name 1 UNI Prof. Ivica Manić 2
Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries Mobility Strand Team No. Acronym Name 1 UNI Prof. Ivica Manić 2 Assis. Prof. Milan Gocić 3 Prof. Vesna Stankov Jovanović 4 Prof. Slaviša Trajković 5 Prof. Miomir Raos

17 Participating partner
Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries Task Leaders? Workpackage No. Activity Responsible partner Participating partner Preparation 1.1 Identification of natural disasters to be managed in WB BOKU WB partners 1.2 Introduction with established practices in EU countries for NDRM EU partners 1.3 Workshop on master curricula best practices in EU countries All partners 2.1 Development of aims, specific competencies and learning competencies of master curricula in WB HEIs UNIME 2.2 Development of courses content and syllabi 2.3 Training of teaching staff for innovative teaching methods Host EU institutions 2.4 Providing of students’ internships positions 2.5 Harmonization of teaching environment with EU best practices and purchasing of laboratory equipment and literature UNI 3.1 Surveillance of citizens’ and public sector awareness regarding natural disasters UNID 3.2 Study visits and analysis of courses best practices in EU countries 3.3 Development of trainings’ content corresponding educational materials and selection of teaching staff Development 4.1 Defining of admission requirements and enrolment of students WB institutional coordinators 4.2 Implementation of master curricula 4.3 Implementation of students’ internships 4.4 Implementation of trainings for citizens and public sector 4.5 Self-evaluation of master curricula 4.6 Self-evaluation of trainings for citizens and public sector Quality Plan 5.1 Regular Quality Assurance Committee meetings QAC 5.2 Development of the quality control plan MUHEC 5.3 Conduct external review of the project All partners, External auditor 5.4 External financial control 5.5 Inter-project coaching Dissemination & Exploitation 6.1 Creation of the dissemination plan for the project 6.2 Development and maintenance of project website and creation of promotional materials and campaigns 6.3 Promotional activity for student enrolment 6.4 Promotional activity for trainings 7.1 Creation of sustainability plan 7.2 Accreditation of master curricula 7.3 Realization of student and staff mobilities between WB and EU partners Management 8.1 Kick-off meeting 8.2 Regular Steering Committee and Project Management meetings Host partner Members of SC and PMC 8.3 Development of guidelines on the project management and reporting 8.4 Day-to-day coordination of project activities 8.5 Submission of interim and final reports

18 Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries
Task Leaders To suggest and nominate task leaders for each activity in each WP where a particular partner is involved. (Please refer to the e-form Application and description of WPs and each partner’s involvement therein). Note: ONE PERSON from one institution can be a task leader for several activities. For activities in WP 8 (Management), the task leader should be a contact person from each partner institution. If otherwise, please specify at the kick-off.

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