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Parent Curriculum Evening

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1 Parent Curriculum Evening
Year 1

2 Maths and the new curriculum
Based on three strands, which should underpin all mathematics… FLUENCY: in the fundamentals of mathematics, through varied and frequent practise with increasingly complex concepts over time; REASONING: relationships and generalisations; developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language; PROBLEM SOLVING: applying their mathematics to a range of problems with increasing sophistication.

3 Fewer Things; Greater Depth
There are fewer objectives to cover in a year, but many of these objectives are more difficult, with many being moved ‘down’ from a higher year group. This should mean that ‘deep learning’ rather than ‘superficial learning’ takes place; Children’s learning will be extended in depth within their own year group’s expectations rather than moving onto another year’s expectations; Children need to achieve all their year group’s objectives in order to be at ‘expected’ level. Purple Learners

4 Reasoning Always/Sometimes/Never: Hexagons have six lines of symmetry
What is reasoning? Use what you know Logical thinking Applying different strategies Talking / discussing maths thinking Always/Sometimes/Never: Hexagons have six lines of symmetry Show me a four-digit number with a tens unit of ‘6’. And another. And another …

5 Working systematically
Problem Solving Working systematically Trial and improvement Logical reasoning Spotting patterns Visualising Working backwards

6 Key Objectives Count up and down from 0 to 100 and more.
Count, read and write numbers to 100. When shown a number say what is 1 more or 1 less. Know number bond facts to 20. Know half is one of two equal parts. Find half of a shape of set of objects. Use words such as long, short, double and half to describe when measuring. Key Objectives

7 Key Objectives Use words such as: heavier, lighter when weighing.
Use words such as: empty, more than, less than, half, half full and quarter to explain capacity. Answer questions about time, such as ‘Who is quicker?’ Tell the time and draw hands on a clock to the house and half past the hour. Name common 2D and 3D shapes. Key Objectives

8 Assessment


10 Written Methods 4 + 3 = 7 I buy 2 cakes and my friend buys 3 cakes.
I buy 2 cakes and my friend buys 3 cakes. How many cakes did we buy altogether? 4 + 3 = 7

11 Written Methods

12 Written Methods

13 Maths at Abbeymead Elicitation Differentiated Ladder Tasks
Learning Tasks and Reasoning Consolidate Guided groups Guided marking Move learning on Assessment SPTO Mental Arithmetic Problem Solving Revisit Topic maths Gaps carousel


15 English and the new curriculum
Communication Speaking and Listening Performing English across the curriculum Reading, Writing and Communicating for a real purpose. Reading Word Reading Comprehension Writing Composition Transcription (spelling and handwriting) Grammar

16 Reading – Key Objectives
I quickly read my given letters or groups of letters. I read new words by blending letter sounds together.. I can read some unusual words. I take turns to discuss and listen to others about what I have read. I listen and discuss what I have read, including poems, stories and non-fiction books.. When I re-read my books, I become better and better at reading the text.

17 Writing – Key Objectives
Spelling and Punctuation: I can write out a sentence told to me by my teacher. Handwriting: I can write my letters correctly, starting and finishing in the right place. Composition: I can write some of my letters correctly, starting and finishing in the right place. I check my sentences make sense by re-reading them. Grammar and Vocabulary: I can tell you where I might use a capital letter, a full stop, question marks or exclamation marks in my work.

18 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

19 English at Abbeymead COLD WRITE Identify gaps and targets Immersion
Addressing gaps Guided groups Guided marking Planning English at Abbeymead Writing SPTO HOT WRITE Assess Revisit SPTO Topic writing Gaps and spag

20 Helping at Home Handouts:
Key objectives Maths written methods

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