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Nation Building in the U.S. & The Modernization of Russia

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1 Nation Building in the U.S. & The Modernization of Russia
Chapter 25 Pt II Pages Nation Building in the U.S. & The Modernization of Russia

2 Growth and Division Split between slave-holding South based on big plantation agriculture and North built on smaller family farms. Industrialization in North linked to development of large-scale cotton cultivation in South.

3 Growth and Division Conflict over whether lands seized from Mexico in Mexican-American War of 1848 should be slave or free

4 Growth and Division Secession of eleven southern states from Union following Abraham Lincoln’s election as president led to civil war (186061). Northern victory strengthened U.S. industrialization, nationalism; freed black slaves in South but ultimately confirmed their second-class status.

5 The “Great Reforms” In the 1850’s Russia was a poor agrarian society where 90% of the pop. Lived off the land. The Crimean War of 18531856 versus Britain, France, Sardinia, Ottoman Empire showed backwardness of Russian transport system and its military

6 The “Great Reforms” This marked a turning point for Russia bc it showed them how far behind technologically they were from the rest of Europe.

7 The “Great Reforms” Serfs freed as part of modernization program (1861). Other reforms followed: strengthening of local self-government (zemstvo), modernization of legal system, relaxation of censorship.

8 The Industrialization of Russia
Two waves of industrialization: a) Construction of privately owned railroads (18601880). b) Construction of state-owned railroads, coal and steel industry financed by foreign investment under Minister of Finance Sergei Witte (18921903)

9 The Industrialization of Russia
In 1881 tsar Alexander II was assassinated by a small group of terrorists. The new tsar Alexander III ended the reforms. Witte, inspired by Friedrich List, believed Russia’s industrial backwardness was threatening its power and greatness. He encouraged foreign investment and capital to build factories. This proved to be a brilliant decision!

10 The Revolution of 1905 Lost war with Japan (19041905) plus demands of business and professional people, workers, and peasants for political power led to Revolution of 1905. Bloody Sunday- workers and their families marched to winter palace to present tsar with a petition, soldiers fired on the unarmed crowed killing hundreds

11 The Revolutions of 1905 Strikes ensued, peasants uprising and mass mutiny in the army In response, tsar Nicholas II issued the October Manifesto in which he granted full civil rights, with elective assembly, or Duma.

12 The Revolutions of 1905 The tsar wrote a new constitution called the Fundamental laws which gave him great power. He dismissed 2 Dumas before rewriting electoral law to get more favorable propertied classes elected. New chief minister Peter Stolypin pushed through imp. agrarian reforms designed to breakdown collective village ownership and encourage enterprising peasants.

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