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Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

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Presentation on theme: "Inductive and Deductive Reasoning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Inductive and Deductive Reasoning
Objective: Students will be able to determine between inductive and deductive reasoning problems and then solve the problem accordingly.

2 Inductive Observing the data, recognizing a pattern and making generalizations Do you see a pattern Can you describe what the pattern is Can you find the next consecutive terms

3 Example 2,4,6,8,… Helpful to make a table, with the sequence of numbers the y values and the order of the sequence the x 1st term is 2 2nd term is 4 3rd term is 6 4th term is 8 Pattern is they go up by 2 Next numbers in sequence are 10,12,14

4 More Patterns 1,4,9,16, add the next consecutive on number write as a table Square the x value O,T,T,F, First letter of the number, One, Two J,F,M,A,M, First letter of the month


6 Deductive Deductive is to explain why Proven Facts Solve an equation write the reason for each step This idea is what are proofs are based on

7 Solve the equation for x. Give a reason for each step in the process
Solve the equation for x. Give a reason for each step in the process. 3(2x + 1) + 2(2x + 1) + 7 = 42 − 5x

8 Acute Obtuse<180 Bisect is to cut in half ½ obtuse < ½ 180 ½ obtuse <90

9 AC = BD Reason is additive property – if you add the same thing to already congruent sides it will stay congruent, same idea with solving equations

10 Objective: Students will be able to determine between inductive and deductive reasoning problems and then solve the problem accordingly. On a scale of 1 to 4 Do you feel we meet the objective for the day. If we did not meet the objective, what did we miss and how could I improve.

11 Homework Pg 99 for 3 and 7 also state what the pattern is,11,15 Pg all of these have two answers, read question carefully

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