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PHY138 – Waves, Lecture 3 Today’s overview

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1 PHY138 – Waves, Lecture 3 Today’s overview
The Wave Model Speed of Waves on a String Sinusoidal Waves Spherical Waves, Plane Waves

2 Reading Assignment This week’s reading assignment from the text by Knight is: Chapter 20, Sections There is also an article on Medical Ultrasound available on the web-page for Wednesday’s Lecture (Waves Lecture 4). Suggested Chapter 20 Exercises and Problems for Practice: 1, 25, 35, 39, 53, 69, 71, 79, 82 (79 is funny!)

3 Transverse versus Longitudinal

4 Snapshot Graph

5 History Graph

6 A string of beads are connected by a set of tiny springs
A string of beads are connected by a set of tiny springs. At the instant the clock starts (t=0), a pulse is moving to the right on the beads and the snapshot graph looks like this: Which of the following history graphs tracks the position for the bead marked with a red arrow as a function of time?

7 The graph at the top is the history graph at x = 4 m of a wave traveling to the right at a speed of 2 m/s. Which is the history graph of this wave at x = 0 m? STT20.1 (A) (B) (C)

8 Sinusoidal Waves

9 What is the frequency of this traveling wave?
A. 10 Hz B. 5 Hz C. 2 Hz D Hz E Hz STT20.3

10 What is the phase difference between the maximum of a wave and the adjacent minimum? (crest to trough) A B. π /4 C. π /2 D. 3 π /2 E. π STT20.4

11 Sinusoidal Wave Snapshot Graph
k = 2π/λ is the wave number

12 Sinusoidal Wave History Graph
ω=2π/T is the angular frequency



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