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What is a grassland ecosystem?

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1 What is a grassland ecosystem?

2 Unit Standards 5.L.4A.1 Analyze and interpret data to summarize the abiotic factors (including quantity of light and water, range of temperature, salinity, and soil composition) of different terrestrial ecosystems and aquatic ecosystems. 5.L.4A.2 Obtain and communicate information to describe and compare the biotic factors (including individual organisms, populations, and communities) of different terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

3 What is a grassland ecosystem?
Grasslands- ecosystems in which grasses are the main plant life. Rainfall is irregular and usually not plentiful. Temperatures are cool in winter and warm in the summer.

4 What is a grassland ecosystem?
Some of the world’s most fertile soil is found in the grasslands. For this reason grasslands are often used for farming.

5 What is a grassland ecosystem?
The roots of grassland plants hold soil in place. If the plants are removed, the soil can be blown away by winds.

6 What is a grassland ecosystem?
During the dry season, it is common for natural fires to occur in grasslands. These fires help clear out dead leaves and branches and prevent trees and shrubs from growing. The roots of plants in the grasslands are deep. For this reason, the environment recovers quickly.

7 What is a grassland ecosystem?
Grasses are the producers of the grassland ecosystem. They provide a rich food source for herbivores. In tall grass prairies, bluestem and switchgrass plants grow to heights of 3 meters (12 feet). Below the ground, the roots of these plants can grow just as deep or even deeper.

8 What is a grassland ecosystem?
The plants and animals in grasslands vary from place to place. In North America, herbivores such as bison, gophers, ground squirrels, and prairie dogs live together in the grasslands. Carnivores there include coyotes, badgers, and black-footed ferrets.

9 What is a grassland ecosystem?
The grasslands of central Russia, known as steppes have different animals, such as Siberian chipmunks and wild boars.

10 What is a grassland ecosystem?
The grasslands of Argentina, known as the pampas, are home to pampas deer.

11 What is a grassland ecosystem?
Savanna- a type of grassland that stays warm all year. The soil is not as fertile as the soil of other grasslands.

12 What is a grassland ecosystem?
Savannahs receive more rainfall than other grasslands, though not enough to support a dense growth of trees. Savannas have long, dry winters and very wet summers.

13 What is a grassland ecosystem?
Africa has large savannas dotted with acacia trees, which provide shade for animals. Animals in the African savannas include lions, giraffes, zebras, and antelope.

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