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Space Exploration.

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Presentation on theme: "Space Exploration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Space Exploration

2 1. Rockets were first used in battle by the Chinese

3 2. Robert Goddard- 1926

4 3. NASA Created in 1958 for both manned and unmanned exploration
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

5 4. Artificial Satellites

6 5. The Space Race

7 6. Dogs and Monkeys! LAIKA the dog Baker the monkey

8 7. The Mercury Program The Mercury Seven

9 8. First Human in Space- Yuri Gagarin
Video Footage

10 9. Alan Shepard- First American in Space
Atlas Rocket capsule Video Footage

11 10. Valentina Tereshkova- First Woman in Space

12 11. Kennedy “To The Moon” Speech
Video Footage

13 11. Gemini Program (U.S.) Ed White- First Space Walk Video Footage

14 12. Apollo Program (U.S.) Saturn V Rocket

15 13. The Apollo Moon Landing
Neil Armstrong, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” The Eagle #14) 12 men walked on the moon. Buzz Aldrin Video Footage

16 15. The Space Shuttle Program (U.S.)
Maiden Flight: 1981 John Young and Robert Crippen.

17 16. Sally Ride- First American Woman in Space

18 17. Flexibility of the Shuttle

19 Cargo and Crew Carrier

20 Deliverables:

21 Sources:

22 Sources:

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