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Cub Scout Recruiting and Retention

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1 Cub Scout Recruiting and Retention
Presented by: Sue Adams & Bruce Churchill

2 Objective To communicate the methods that Pack 10 and Troop 77 have found to successfully recruit and retain boys into our Cubscout Pack

3 Recruiting Methods Special Events!!! BORING FUN!!!!
Advertisements / Sign-up Days Boys recruiting friends at school Special Events!!! FUN!!!!

4 Contents Planning Theme Selection Crafts / Activities
Security / Information Miscellaneous Thoughts Discussion

5 Planning - Picking the Right Time
Avoid school break weeks, the week before, and the week after Fridays are great due to lack of homework or school the following day Right after school is great due to convenience to parents

6 Planning - When the Date is Selected
Reserve the Building or Room Determine your theme Plan Your Food (themed food goes over well) Make sure the event is consistent with the season (outdoor events for nicer weather)

7 Planning - When the Date is Selected
GET HELP!!!!!!! Someone in charge of food Folks to help w/ prep work on the projects Name badge makers Helpers to “man” the tables of projects (at least 2 for each) Get assistance from a local Boy Scout Troop! This is a great recruiting/PR opportunity for them (Den Chiefs)

8 Planning - Two Weeks Before Signup Deadline
Get the flyers and permission slips out to all the boys in the school Flyers should not go out more than two weeks prior (they tend to get lost or forgotten) Advertise Event Posters in School or around town Notice in local newspapers Announcements in Den and Pack meetings

9 Planning - Weekend Before Signup Deadline
Organize the returned permission slips Make a name badge for each boy registered and for any helpers you have lined up Start preparing the crafts and activities keep in mind that there will be lots of last minute sign-ups so your numbers aren’t firm yet.

10 Planning - Tuesday Before Event
This works well as the deadline for registration (although there will be some that want to come last minute Collect the “last” permission slips from the office and prepare name badges Make sure there are enough of each project for the numbers of boys you have signed up and have 5-10 extra for the late arrivals. Check with all of your helpers on the preparations

11 Planning - Day of the Event
Get there early to set-up room Set out nametags for all pre-registered boys and for helpers (have some blanks available) Set up the different stations Have snack ready to go while boys arrive and get settled The boys should go home with something to remember the event by TAKE PICTURES!!!! Great for future flyers and PR also great for pack meeting promotion

12 Planning - After the Event
Clean up room Thank the parents and aides Thank anyone who may have donated supplies Hand out flyers to future events Hand out scout registration forms and pack contact information Have a sign up sheet for those who are, or may be, interested in joining Follow up with the boys’ parents with a phone call to see if they are interested in joining Reflection will allow you to continuously improve your recruitment activities

13 Theme Selection Can be anything you want
Interesting to kids of all Cub Scout ages Should offer flexibility in crafts and activities Should allow for a physical activity Examples: Space Exploration Animals (wild or domesticated) Jungle Wild West Pirates Medieval Sea American History World History Olympics Racing Sports

14 Crafts / Activities Snack at arrival works well as a greeting activity and opportunity to get everyone organized. It also gives a great opportunity to make announcements and inform the kids of what will happen each event should take the same amount of time (15-20 min) Plan a bathroom break (and bathroom monitors) between each event

15 Crafts / Activities Prepare a separate bag or container of supplies for each event Have at least one physical event All activities should take about the same amount of time to complete

16 Security / Information
Permission slips in alphabetical order by grades make them easier to find Designate a “bouncer” no boy leaves until the pick-up person has been verified from the permission slip The flyer portion kept by parents has the event information and event schedule for their reference

17 Miscellaneous Thoughts
Greeting time / snack time can be crazy Look to the school to help you with food supplies Collecting permission slips Keep the boys moving, rotate them through the events and have a physical activity Break boys up into groups by assigning each a number

18 Summary Exciting, activity-based events are the most successful type of recruitment If boys have fun they’ll stay involved A well planned and executed event will maximize the potential for a successful recruitment session

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