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Identify Leading Indicators for Scenario Monitoring

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1 Identify Leading Indicators for Scenario Monitoring
Author: Xia (Summer) Xu Advisors: Shardul Phadnis Sponsor: BASF(Germany) MIT SCM ResearchFest May 22, 2014

2 Agenda Background Key Question Methodology Case Result Question
May 22, 2014 MIT SCM Research Fest

3 Background Scenarios What is Scenario Planning
Long range planning tool Not a forecast of future unknowns, but is used to understand the Driving Forces behind: PESTEL1 - Combinations of extreme variations of the Driving Forces Why Do Scenario Planning Driving Forces … Scenarios Strategy flexibility: Companies are able to tailor their strategies to different Scenarios - Improve decision making process: Stretch thinking - Organizational learning: Specific contexts facilitate conversation among different stakeholders Today’s business environment has never been more complicated. Factors such as rapid new technologies, regulations, environmental requirements and social changes expose companies to a complex surrounding. The challenge is even more so from a long-term perspective. PESTEL: Political, economics, social, legal, environment, technology 1-84 1PESTEL: Political, economics, social, legal, environment, technology May 22, 2014 MIT SCM Research Fest

4 Scenario Monitoring Background After Scenarios, Then ? Strategy A
Strategy B Scenario Monitoring Explain the different scenarios Bring in scenario monitoring – talk about how monitoring is a part of the “scenario …” process, but is sustaining the tool. Using the most relevant data to ensure that your scenarios reflect reality and are accurate. Strategy C Strategy D May 22, 2014 MIT SCM Research Fest

5 Background Scenario Monitoring ++ Benefits
+ From thinking tool to practical one + Adaptable + Dynamic capabilities One way to solve problem is scenario monitoring Literatures discussed indicators but did not develop methods of identifying them May 22, 2014 MIT SCM Research Fest

6 Key Question Develop a systematic approach to identify leading indicators for Scenario Monitoring signals May 22, 2014 MIT SCM Research Fest

7 ü Key Question Understanding the Problem:
What do Leading Indicators look like? Driving Force Time Lag Leading Indicators Time Tell why “leading” indicator is important … and how it is monitored: Scanning Tracking ü May 22, 2014 MIT SCM Research Fest

8 Methodology - Correlation with Time Lag
Correlation test between driving force matrix and potential indicators is used to identify leading indicators Data: Driving Force Framework (Zheng He 2013) World Bank Develop Indicators (1364 Indicators) Thailand, Japan represent Asia Pacific (A/P) Step 1.Transform from qualitative descriptions to Indicator Framework (numeric) Example: Political Stability Refers to the stability of power / relations between state and various non-state actors Somewhere between slide 7 and 8, you need to mention that first challenge is make scenario = a qualitative story measurable. Ask a rhetorical question, so how would you measure that? Then tell that Zheng did this in his thesis last year – he developed a way to “measure” which scenario the world resembles. Then tell you are building on it to develop a method to identify the leading indicators. Zheng He(2013) defines the frame work of driving force in his thesis BASF 2011 May 22, 2014 MIT SCM Research Fest

9 Methodology - Correlation with Time Lag
Step 2. Check Multi-trend Features of Driving Force Indicators to avoid Spurious Correlation Driving Force Leading Indicators Time Step 3. Correlation Matrix with Time Lag Time Serial Indicators under driving force framework T-1 Other indicators T-2 T-3 May 22, 2014 MIT SCM ResearchFest

10 Methodology - Filters Primary Filter:Correlation Test
Secondary Filters:Data Availability Indicator Profile Predict Power Indicators 1364 30-40 10-20 Data Availability Correlation Test Indicator Profile Predict Power Validation: R2 Experts Judgments Potential Leading Indicators May 22, 2014 MIT SCM Research Fest

11 Case Results Demonstration: Country-----Thailand
Driving force---- Political Stability Driving Force Indicator-----Armed forces personnel May 22, 2014 MIT SCM Research Fest

12 Case Results The Excel-base Tool Data Availability Scale
Predictive Power May 22, 2014 MIT SCM Research Fest

13 Insights It provides… - A practical way of identifying leading indicators which is easy to understand and can be widely applied. - A common vocabulary for different stakeholders to communicate. Scenarios and Leading Indicators can be difficult to make sense of because they are often far in the future (Butterfly Effects). Future work: qualitative verification framework for further selecting leading indicators May 22, 2014 MIT SCM Research Fest

14 & May 23, 2014 MIT SCM ResearchFest

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